Friday, November 28, 2008

Monstruo Teresito

Monstruo Teresito

Monstruo Teresito

Inicio como una sombra, una mezcla entre miedo y deseo. Con el tiempo fue tomando forma. De inicio se mantuvo escondido en un rinconcito, escapando a la habitacion solo en pequeños ratos, cuando esta se encontraba vacioa podia jugar y brincar, pero cuando llegaba a estar alguien, se asustaban casi tanto como el ante la vista de los otros. Sin embargo parecia que esos sustos le hacian crecer. Asi poco a poco mas por casualidad fue creciendo lentamente hasta que finalmente no podia ya esconderse en el rinconcito del closet. Era seguro que cuando abrieran lo verian, Trato de esconderse tras las ropas, pero mas de una ocasion lo vieron, con los respectivos sustos y pues fue creciendo mas, hasta que tuvo que abandonar el closet. Salio el monstruo a la habitacion, pero pronto se dio cuenta que ahi no habia donde esconderse, recorrio la casa y la misma situacion ocurrio. Tuvo que salir, al exterior a buscar un nuevo lugar para vivir y esconderse. Pronto llego a un parquecito, y penso en esconderse entre arboles y arbustos. Pasaron varios dias, Veia gente corriendo pero todos alla lejos, de vez en cuando alguno se acercaba, lo que le ponia nervioso, pero nunca buscaban detras de sus arbustos. Se sentia nuevamente seguro de poder existir en paz. Pero llego un dia en que el parque se lleno de personas, acompañadas de las mas pequeñas, niños, y estos corrian por aca y alla, y muchas veces el monstruo tuvo que correr a esconderse en otro arbusto. Pronto descubrio el patron, 6 dias de calma con adultos corriendo, un dia de caos con el sufriendo por evitar ser visto por los niños.

Y el fatidico dia llego, mientras observaba a un par de niños jugar cerca listo para huir si se dirigian a el, tan atento estaba que no escucho los pasos tras el, hasta que una vocecita detras suyo dijo "Aaah, hola, quien eres??". Queria gritar queria huir, pero sabia que de hacerlo los otros niños tambien le descubririan. La niña seguia ahi viendole, esperando su respuesta. Pasaron los segundos y tanto el como la niña no se movian, por que ella no se asustaba?, por que poco a poco a el se le iba el miedo?. Nuevamente ella hablo "Yo me llamo Ana, y tu??", El queria decir algo pero no sabia que, de su boca solo salian silabas sin sentido, sus manos se movian en duda. Al parecer ella entendio y dijo "ah no tienes nombre, bueno te llamaras Teresito"

Y asi nacio, El monstruo Teresito.

Orangutan 2

Orangutan 2

Orangutan 2

Protecting from the sun




A pretty Orangutan on the Zoo.

Blue Legs

Piernas Azules

Blue Legs

Strange ritual, the one in which waxes and knives my legs become naked after being release of the slavery pants. Under a skirt they are left, exposed to the wind, soft to the hand, FREE. And then I covered them up, with stockings, that only left them show their shapes.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Pretty Bird

Lindo Pajarito

Pretty Bird

Some species of Vulture

From thing on the Internet

De cosas por ahi

From thing on the Internet

While reading the newspaper today, I found this piece of info, that apparently in Japan its becoming fashionable for men to wear men special bras.

No, not men using women's brassiere, but a bra specially designed for men.

At least is not as ugly as the Seinfeld's Manssiere.

The news info in Spanish is here , I am too lazy to look for a similar in english

Lady of the Crocodiles

Lady of the Crocodiles

Lady of the Crocodiles

A very interesting statue.

Definitively I would never think of a woman riding on the back of a crocodile while playing the flute so peaceful.

The deathly wound

Herida Mortal

The deathly wound

Well not everything was sun shines and candy while in Cancun. For at some point I ended on the floor, causing myself the deathly wound showed on the photo.

So now I will have to show my legs with blood, wounds and scars, or hide them under stockings.


My new Haircut

Mi nuevo Peinado

My new Haircut

Here a goat with a tres-chic haircut

Wednesday, November 26, 2008




Morning was beginning that Sunday on Cancun, and I was still dressed as girl

Tuesday, November 25, 2008




By luck at the time I arrived to their Jail, it was their feeding time, so was able to watch them eat a few chickens.




Impressive nose horn

Pinky Door

Pinky Door

Pinky Door

Went to Cancun this weekend, to have a nice time with friends there.

Was a great time.


Monday, November 24, 2008




A pretty kitten

White Tiger

Tigre Blanco

White Tiger

Looks so peaceful, that one wants to hug it.

Orange Legs

Piernas Naranjitas

Orange Legs

Trying with colored hosiery, Orange is a pretty color

Friday, November 21, 2008




A pretty Horse that was also at the balloons event




A Badger at the Leon Zoo

Golden Ghost

Fantasma Dorado

Golden Ghost

Don Pancho had been working as a taxidermist for 30 years, and became the best one around. Great hunters and rich men came to town just to hire him. His talent was so big that people even said once he finished the animals seemed more lively than before they were killed. Several people got scared when they saw coming out of his shop dancing bears and tigers about to jump.

One day two little kids arrived, dressed in estrange clothings, facial features so different, One could notice how it was difficult for hem to talk our language. They wanted to hire Don Pancho to dissect the creature in their bag. A family pet perhaps, thought Don Pancho.

The kids opened the bag, and inside was a little, more like tiny monkey, in a really pretty golden hair that would make the most shiny jewelry be sad. For the size for sure it was going to be a difficult job, but also the results would be pretty.

For two days Don Pancho worked on the animal, with pride he formed the wired skeleton, with fine movements he filled the tiny fingers, with patience he prepared the face and eyes. Finally it was finished in front of him, so lively and so surreal of the beauty it had. Don Pancho couldn't resist to tell it "Hey, jump" and suddenly the monkeys eyes begin to move, its legs begin to crouch, preparing for a jump, just as Don Pancho gave the last scream of his life, scared to death.

The kids return on the date, but for as much as the town people helped them find its animal among the finished or in process items by Don Pancho, they couldn't find it, and had to go empty handed.

Soon the golden monkey mischief would begin, so fast it was that people would just see a golden blur, so soon it was believed to be a ghost. Spots on the hanging clothes, a few broken plates, chairs that fall down on its own. Not a big thing to be scared or cry, but for sure something that would make the townspeople soon declared it haunted.

With time people learned to live with the events, event to the point the ghost became part of local jokes, but it is still there, jumping around.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Haunted House

Casita Embrujada

Haunted House

Ups, forgot to cut the photographer on the corner before uploading.

Even so, the Haunted House looks so pretty flying the skies, ghost included.

Green Flying Monster

Monstro Verde Volador

Green Flying Monster

Meat Stone

La Piedra de Carne

Meat Stone

On the road to San Joaquin there is a stone about two hands tall, around it on March and August perfect-white flowers grow, in a lovely star shape, and a smell, a weird smell, like blood.

Rumors tell, that the stone is not a stone, that is a ball of Meat someone left there long time ago, after whoever it was left it, animals tried to eat it, but all died seconds later around, and in days no human or animal would try even to touch it.

Years passed, the meat became solid and turned into rock. But its juice must kept flowing down to the earth, and feeding the flowers around it.


Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Flying Scarecrow

Espantapajaros Aereo

Flying Scarecrow




Leopard Stockings

Medias de leopardo

Leopard Stockings

Its been a while since I wanted to use a pair of stockings like those, to give a feline touch to my legs.

Miau Jessica

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

International Balloon Festival in Leon

Festival Internacional del Globo en Leon

International Balloon Festival in Leon

During the weekend I went to the city of Leon in Guanajuato, where the International Balloon Festival was taking place. Had to wake up extra early, endure a pretty ultra-cold weather to see the balloons take off.

Night Fire

Fuego Nocturno

Night Fire

Missed Tears

Lagrimas Perdidas

Missed Tears

Everyone congratulate her for her success, she managed to obtain that which many just dreams off. Hugs that were filled with adoration and envy, smiles of pride and worshiping. Here and there one could hear people say 2She must be the happiest person on Earth right now". But in reality for her the success was that what she didn't want, a reason to cry that she was not allowed.

Friday, November 14, 2008




A blue Macaw

Craving Brown

Antojo Cafe

Craving Brown

Dancing between shadows she moves on the nights jumping our dreams, seeking our illusions, under the light of a full moons she arrives, a little nod, a sight one barely hears, a dreamy smile. From under her clothes she pulls a rainbow bag while she comes closer to our eras, her speedy hands evade our sight and suddenly all into one color turns.




After many minutes of scientific research and genetic experimentation, many generations of inter-breeding, even more failed results (some creepy but cute mutants obtained) finally humankind can have the durckey, the perfect cross between a duck and a turkey.


Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Zebras at Mexico

Zebras en Mexico

Zebras at Mexico

Yes there are zebras at Mexica, but at the zoos.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008




A reptile with orange and green skin, that looks very interesting.

Black and Green

Negro y Verde

Black and Green

This weekend again I went to Villahermosa, got myself another hair-do, again with all hair back, but with a little different style.

A look with black and green for the dancing floor.


White Bird

Ave Blanca

White Bird

Weird Flower

Florecita Extraña

Weird Flower




For even death needs to look all pretty and glamorous.




Screaming to the sky

Grito al Cielo

Screaming to the sky

Another of the Estanquillo museum figure, I loved his expression.

Skull on the Zocale

Calaca en el Zocalo

Skull on the Zocale

Projected by light on the building walls, skulls, deaths, and others.

Calaveritas - Skulls


Calaveritas - Skulls

For the "Day of the dead" in Mexico "Calaveritas - skulls" are sold, made of sugar, candy chocolate, bread, and any other edible material. Happy days for the stomach, but the teeth do suffer a little.


Thursday, November 06, 2008




At the Zocale sometimes there are Aztec Dancers

Nocturnal Diana

La Diana Nocturna

Nocturnal Diana

The "Diana Cazadora" (Diana the Hunter), a famous statue-fountain in Mexico City. In the background a big tower building.

The photo is a little bit moved and dizzy, since I didn't carried a tripod, so all my support was to lean on a light pole.

Blue Death

Calaca Azul

Blue Death

Death wearing blue, very pretty she looks.

With Nina

Con Nina

With Nina

With my friend Nina at the Halloween Party at TVMEX




In Mexico there are several ways to tell someone died.
-Ya estiro la pata
-Paso a mejor vida

One of them is "Se petateo"

The explanation by the people who put together this altar, is that death people where sometimes buried in "Petates", The "Petate" is the rug thing made of plant fabric.

The Petate is also used as a base to sleep.


Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Hair Cut place


Hair Cut place

While on Mexico City I went into the Museo del Estanquillo that among the things that shows is an area dedicated to mexican cartoonist, mainly the author of the comic "La Familia Burron"

And there is a scale building with lots of scenes from that comic, very pretty and funny.

Put this recreation or a male-haircut-place. In fact in my younger days I preferred to go to one of this places to get my hair cut. Now that my hair is long, I need to go to a different place.




Here a photo with my friend Ana Karina who went as pirate also, the hat I am wearing on the photo is actually hers. Also in the photo is ayline who went as medieval princess. Ayline also has a blog

Some of the girl that went to the Halloween event from TVMEX.


Altar de Muertos (death Altar)

Altar de Muertos

Altar de Muertos (death Altar)

On days 1 and 2 of november in Mexico is the festivities of "Dia de Muertos", day of the dead people.

Is a way of honor the people that have died.

Depending on what part of Mexico you are, is how it is celebrated.

One common thing is the set up of altars or offerings, dedicated to someone, where offereings are put. Lie food that the dead person used to like. Or other things about her.

One things that is very used is the orange flower, Cempaxóchitl.

One of many "altares" that I saw while I was on Mexico City.


Jessica in Spanish-girl Costume

Jessica de Española

Jessica in Spanish-girl Costume

It was that on friday, for things that happened I was on Mexico City without me planning for it, so I took my tiime to go to the Dreamgirls - - Halloween Party.

I wore the spanish girl costume that a long time ago I used for some photos (but not for a party)

Unfortunately my camera that night was on the last bits of battery, so I only took 3 photos that night. :(
