Full Metal Alchemist
When kid the only exposure to anime were a few shows that I didn't even know was anime, some of them were "Hutch Honeybee", "Heidi", "Demetan the frog boy", "Mazzinger".
A few years later I saw a few Anime show but only one I kept seeing, Sailor Moon, which was for a long time my favorite one. Other at the same time were Dragon Ball and some Soccer series but those didn't caught my attention.
It was a few years ago that I started seeing a few Anime show due to recommendation by a friend, one of them was Full Metal Alchemist, which soon became one of my favorite ones.
But that anime had some points in the plot that kind of didn't make sense, and soon I started reading the manga which starts the same but then goes into a completely different path.
Last year, a new version of the Anime started in Japan, this time to follow the story of the manga more closelly, and I started watching it.
So I plan to blog about the 3 of them, since summer is coming and more than probably Jessica is going into a period of time were she will be appearing only very little.
So if interested, you can follow it here http://full-metal-alchemist-fan.blogspot.com/