Went reading the Foundation Series by Isaac Asimov.
Its a history of a future when mankind rules the universe in a big empire, but the empire has already started to decay so on a planet at the edge of the empire a planet is founded to create the star point for a newer empire that can rise after the fall of the first one, minimizing the time of caos caused by the fall of such a empire.
I love how we can see the rise of a new empire, and by it get a little glimpse of the fall of another. I loved how the story is set by crisis at the begining. How the diferent stages of the new empire so different fit so good in the non-adyacent points in the whole timeline.
Also liked the introduction of "The Mule", and how it creates a bigger chaos, that breaks the succesion of crisis-solution-change of the first stages of the Foundation history.
Amazing novels, a 100/100.
The whole review in spanish here I am too lazy to traanslate all that.