Wow, again so much time has passed between historical posts (jeje, better come out with a better name, this one sounds and reminds me of the boring school subject)
Well as I was telling in my last past post, I have returned to this dressing activity, and one might think that having a house alone would bring more opportunities to do it, make it easier. But that was not completely true, since I still had too many conflicts in my mind about it.
But this time, there was something that helped me. By that time, I have found about a thing called Internet. You go into it, look about a subject, and Voila, hundreds of pages with info about it.
Well all confused, I decided to look information on the subject of my dressing. The first problem was "What to look for?" by that time didn't know the terminology related to the subject (and as of today I still don't get the difference between all those t-something labels) but I started writing whatever come to mind. On one of those searches I found a page (unfortunately I don't remember the page) but the thing was that it contained the words transvestite y crossdressing and kind of what they meant, so at least I knew what to search for.
So I went searching for those words, but the only results I got where for previews of porn sites. Yes the girls on the pics look amazing, all femenine except for that detail that most of the time was with blur or semiconcealed, so might not even be sure was not a composed image. That instead of helping me, made me feel worst. Yes the looked great, but from that th e only explanation that come to mind about this dressing thing, was that apparently the option was to become like some kind of visual object that appears on porn sites, and that was not something that I thought of.
I was about to give up when a webpage came out, of a person who looked like more real, a girl from Hungary by the name Hajnalka, actually at first look of her pics, I was thinking, hey thats a genetic girl, and a pretty one. But after looking with more atention and reading her page find out it was someone like me, with this interest in dressing with girl clothes, and she managed to acheive that in such a wonderful and perfect way. Wow amazing, that put me dreaming in that maybe sometime in the future I might be able to do something similar to that (and I am still dreaming about it)
The best thing was that she had links to pages to other girls, some of them real beauty godesses, other less experienced but with that touch of feminity, And some of the girls pages, told their histories, some very similar to mine, Some even had a large amount on information, about the why, the how, why is it a normal thing, why is not always something to do with sexual behavior. Lots of information that little by little helped me to kind of understand more this liking of me.
I stop the story here, next time I will write about my first run into the internet, and why I choosed the name Jessica.
Bye by now
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