Monday, June 05, 2006

A chronicle a little too late

Another Adventure

Due to me being too busy, and probably a little lazy to write, here is a late chronicle of one of Jessica´s crazy adventures.
So the weekend from two weeks ago, I decided to risk my secret identity once more.
This time, was a girl, who lives in the same place I live.
As usual I was nervous from the moment I decided to say "Ok, let's meet"

So we met in an open area near my place (in case I decided to run away).
We then went ono to my place, and me being all nervous took a few minutes before saying "ok, lets start getting all dressed"
Each of us , changed in one of the rooms of my place.
Then saw each other dressed up. She had a great feminine figure (I felt envy, guess I need to put extra effort to loose some weight)
We then chatted a little, but soon it become more of me asking her lots of questions, she being lot more experienced in this than me.
We then took a couple of pics, but she needed to go somewhere, and time to say bye.

I stayed a few more hours dressed, reading and listening some music, before I got hungry.
So out goes the pretty clothes and makeup, and out to lunch.

So ends the chronicle.
Pic is the outfit I used.



Anonymous said...

you are a natural baby
HUGS and Kisses

Liz said...

I wouldn't stress about losing wieght... you look just fine to me! :)

Jessica Sweet TV said...

thanks Jessica and Lizz