Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Visiting the swamps

Centla Visit Jessica

Ok, no new Jessica's pics, so be posting pics of trips with family

Top left, is the swamps (manglar in spanish), the trees have their roots out in the air and into the water.

Top Right, is the river, some plants floating aronud

Bottom left, is a pic from the observation tower, you can see the 3 river becoming 1, according to the people there is the second biggest river thingie in terms of water volumes in America (Quick geography question, whats #1??)

And bottom right, a bird



Anonymous said...

a very non girly question. are there fish?
hehe but then who says a girl cant enjoy fishing.. esp fly fishing
Ps have a great weekend

Jessica Sweet TV said...

Yes there are several kind of fish
and yes you can go fishing, the locals rent you the boat if you don't have one, but it depends on the dates, since there are some months in which fishing is prohibited (to let the new little fishes grow the fish population)

Anonymous said...

when are we going?
have a nice week Jessica