According to blogger, I posted the first post on December 29th, of 2005. So as of today a whole year have passed by. I should probably explain why I started doing this blog.
For that I will do a bit of historical posting, very briefly, since I would do a whole post later about that historical moment. Ok, so the historical start that during summer of 2005 Jessica reappeared, as in, me getting a bit of girls clothes and kind of start dressing again after a time of no Jessica.
With time I managed to start building an outfit, and at some point decided to give Jessica an opportunity to exist. I recreated the Internet identity of Jessica.
At a start I thought about doing a webpage. Then one day I came across a Tranny Test, and after doing it, I look around the page from the girl who created the test, and found a Tranny blog, and that seemed like a nice idea. In case you wondering, the blog in question belongs to Becky in the UK (http://www.beckysweb.co.uk/beckysblog/). A day to day tale of things she does, thinks, plans, and other stuff.
That was more dynamic than a webpage. Plus it would be great to look back, and in the case I did one see how Jessica was moving on during time.
And so during the not so heavy days of the end of year of 2005 I decided to start my blog. Even started it with the results of the tranny test.
The link to that post in english http://jessica-sweet-tv.blogspot.com/2005/12/just-take-some-test.html
So now a year later, the blog still goes, and is there as witness off all the crazy and silly things I have done as Jessica.
And I am surprised, wow, really I have done so many things that one year ago I wouldn't even imagine of doing. Definitively, if someone wants to send me to the psycho ward, in this blog is enough evidence to put me away for life.
Also after starting the blog, in blogspot-blogger I discovered other blog places, like the one from yahoo360, myspace, spaces, then flickr (which is a great photo place)
And also this blog, and all the other sites I post pics and things, have given me a lot of nice surprises.
But the best of it it's all the nice people I have met as Jessica.
A big hug, for everyone of them. I am not naming or doing a list , afraid of forgetting someone, but a big hug for all the nice things, comments, advices, support I have received on the blog (and other sites)
Until next year
PS. The photo, the human-body entity is putting Jessica, back inside into the closet, hidden away from the world, till next year
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