As told yesterday, Izamal mixes two periods of time. The pyramids I already showed. and the religious architecture from the Spanish conquista Time and the old haciendas.
Perhaps by putting them appart in the photo collections I have took the magic of the mix away, maybe. But then maybe, that way you can see both things so different and try to imagine them together.
So I will go on to the pics.
Top Left, is a photo of one of the streets in the main area of Izamal, All painted in Yellow, with little withe details. It makes the town look so similar and different. Since it show the creativity of the house owners to make their houses unique, even when being so similar.
Top Center, is a photo of the Patio and Front face of the Main church, the Temple of the Pure Conception (translation probably doesn't make sense, so the name in spanish is "templo de la Purisima Concepcion") that also worked as convent. Is a really big patio, I wanted so much to start running around in the green grass (but is not allowed).
Top Right, is a photo of the detail of the window in the front of the church. A nice work of color glass, picturing the virgin of Izamal. Says there that the virgin was brought from Guatemala, and also at some point a group of people try to steal them, and it became so heavy they could not lift it.
Medium Left, is a nice kiosk in one of the parks in Izamal, during the day it is quite empty, sun and hot weather, but once night arrives the parks get crowded of people, and is really nice.
Medium Center, is a photo of the back part of the church, and the building that works as convent, "the Convent of San Francisco de Pauda". I liked this picture I took by night since it makes it look even older (and yes a bit scary)
Medium Right, some corner in Izamal have names, like the corner of the bull, the corner of the flower, or in this case the corner of the elefant. Really nice.
Bottom Left, in the park next to the main church, there is this carriages with horses named "Calesas", for a small fee they can take you around town, explaining a little bit of the buildings. Really Nice trip. Plus even when walking around town, the clip-clip, clash sounds of the Calesas moving around is amazing.
Bottom Center, is a photo of the church patio by sun-down, before night arrived. I like the clouds, and that green low in the corner.
Bottom Right, is one of the Henequen Fields around Izamal. Henequen was used to make bags, cest, furniture, and was the main economic power in Yucatan, Big haciendas and fortunes where made of Henequen. Now it is mainly used for handicrafts and liquor.
Ok, thats just a taste of Izamal.
By night they make a light and sound show in the church patio really great.
I am posting a short clipp video of it over youtube -> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ee5uA4obEFw
Its not all, it looks dark, and it looks out of frame, since I mainly just put the camera over my knee to record and forgot about it while I looked the show.
Well, thats it for today.
Jessica, who now sees yellow everywhere.
For bigger image go here http://farm1.static.flickr.com/119/367331514_8303f9ffe7_o.jpg
1 comment:
wow love it
have an awesome weekend baby
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