Ok, no new pics of Jessica yet, no need to panic, soon I will find time to take a few new ones.
In the meantime, I like to show my earing collection.
Earings are actually not something that kind of like too much or the sort. but is one of those little detail, that one might thing: no big deal, no problem if I don't wear earings, like if someone might notice, and most of the time they end up hidden by the hair.
But no, of course they are noticeable, they are super-noticeable. because I think that what really makes the full girl look, is the little details, not the skirt, or the high heels, or the long hair, or the painted lips, sure that helps, but its just the base, what really makes the look, fully girl-like is the little details.
Other thing, is I don't have my ears pierced, so I can' use regular earings.
And the clip ones, well I don't like them first, they are painfull to use for long times, they make the earlobe go red and leave marks, even for hours after removal, people can sure say one was wearing earings.
Other option, that is glue them, mm, no, sounds like too much trouble, and it possibly also hurt on removal.
Luckily I found this kind of earing "Hook-like earings" as I call theem, and well they are for pierced ears, but if one use the hook part upwards instead of downwards, and make it a little tight, one can use the earing no problem for long time, no risk of falling, no aftermarks.
But ok, enough about earings
I had a very strange conversation today
Unfortunately I didn't save the conversation, actually didn't even know who contacted me, but it was bizarre, that it made me laugh.
So here is a bit of how I remember it went
Person : Hi where are you from??
Jessica (thats me) : Hi, greetings
I live in the Bananas republic of Mexico
P: bananas ??
J: yes bananas
Is a love term I use, since I don't like the term third world.
its a thing of economy, names that are put to countries like Mexico
Countries in develpment
Undeveloped countries
P: where are you from? (I didn't see it, since I was happy writting my answer to the question of bananas)
J: Third world countries
bananas republic
adobe nations
P: can you stop writting stupid things and answer my question (which I was actually doing, answering one question)
J: Huy
somebody wake up angry today
I am from the bananas republic of mexico
P: Is that you started writting silly thing like a little kid
J: well you asked, "why bananas?", if you didn't wanted to know or consider it silly, then why ask???
P: you speak strange
J: driew etirw i osla
P: you are way too weird, bye
and after that apparently that person blocked me, since status changed to offline
The mini conversation was so bizarre
Fo today, I say good bye
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