One of the things that I enjoy most of the Jessica side is the Nail painting.
I don't know why, but I kind of find it relaxing.
Even when at a start it was a bit frustrating, Painting outside the nail, getting all painted, nails looking clogged or badly painted.
But with practice I kind of get it right. A can now enjoy it.
Of course I use fake nails when on Jessica, too risky painting my own nails. It's so easy to miss to clean a little spot that other people notice. It had already happened, luckily it was auto-explained by other reasons.
But my toe nails, get a nice painting from time to time.
Oh, I remmeber, I posted a video of my braid stage on youtube over http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a3FXmalDAqM
And lately I been able to practice a bit more with painting the fake nails, that I even try some patterns.
Not too detailed, but I like the results of some of them.
Now I have too many nails, guess I need todress up quite a few times before I start reusing colors.
But that's good, since it means fun time as Jessica.
I noticed something funny the other day on flickr, if you put too many comments in too many pics, then flickr starts thinking you are a spam-bot and ask you to write a catch phrase everytime.
Why did I made lots of comments, Well due to being quite busy last week, didn't got a chance to check my groups and contacts pics, so had a lot of things to see and comment about.
Well thats for today
Nail-Painting Jessica
love the nails....always good to fun time enfemme!!
Indeed Sabrina, they are fun
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