Friday, April 27, 2007

Estelas Yaxchilan

Yaxchilan Estelas

Estelas Yaxchilan

One of the architectural beauties in some Mayan sites, are the Estelas (I don't know if there is a word in english).

Used to mark a date or event, or to honor a ruler, king, warrior.

The Amazing thing about them is the great level of details they have, the esthetical balance, all the artistic feeling they convey.

And sometime, some of them are huge, big.

Definitively the work of amazing mayan artists from the past.

And here are two of the Estelas, that can be seen in Yaxchilan.



Jude the obscure said...

Hi Jessica,
Thanks for another interesting archeology post. Fanscinating.

Estellas= "Stellae" = more than one "stella".


Jessica Sweet TV said...

Thanks Jude
Is good to learn something new