Mi friend Vania
Hi, well today I want to introduce you to my friend Vania.
One day by chance a added her to my messenger list, and started talking.
And we just kept talking, and talking, and talking.
She is really nice to talk to, plus she has a wonderfull collection of high heels.
And there is no words to express how pretty she looks, words cant match what the photos show.
An amazing thing is the cleaveage she shows, wow.
Also on my last visit to DF, I had the pleasure to meet her in person, too bad we couldn't get a pic of the two of us girls together, maybe in the future.
Well, my friend, gave permit to post her photos, and agreed to write a little intro about her, so here I post it.
Hopefully that will encourage her to start her own blog, jejejej. I know she can write quite good, from other writtings she had sent me before.
Also, any request for contact, can be made here, via a comment.
A big hug and kiss to my friend Vania
Well, finally here is her writting (translated by me, original is in spanish)
Si me preguntas quién soy, la respuesta es sencilla: Quién nunca me había atrevido a ser.
Gracias a Jessica por invitarme a su espacio y gracias a quien lo lea, porque en realidad soy tan normal como cualquier persona... o quizá ese sea mi sueño, ser tan normal que pueda caminar libremente por las calles, sin que nadie voltee a verme extrañado, sin sentir el temor que alguien pueda faltarme al respeto, aunque a fin de cuentas, eso es algo que desafortunadamente en nuestra sociedad va implícito por estúpidos complejos machistas.
Podría decir mucho sobre mí, pero no intento abrumar, sólo diré que soy una niña que vive apenas su segundo año de vida en plenitud, luego de 35 de auto represión y que, afortunadamente, maduró a pasos agigantados, aunque falta mucho para alcanzar la mayoría de edad.
Vania de Santiago
If you ask me who I am, the answer is simple, Who I didn't have the courage to be before.
Thanks to Jessica for the invite to write, and thanks to whoever reads it, since I am as normal as anyone else. or at least that’s my dream, be as normal that I can walk free in the streets, no-one turning around to see me with a strange look, without fearing someone might say something nasty. unfortunately, in our society that happens a lot, due to the macho-style complex that exist.
I could say a thousand thing about me, but I'll try to not overwhelm you, I'll just say, I am a girl in her second year of life, after 35 years of repressing myself, and fortunately I been growing in big steps, till there is still a lot to grow as a woman.
Vania de Santiago
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