Creepy Side
Finally it was there, just 100 meters away, the Little Colosso, but now his always inmaculate white fur was more brown.
Y finalmente ahi estaba, a solo 100 metros, el pequeño Coloso, aunque su blanco pelaje ahora mas bien era casi cafe. He had found it, and would return it to Teresita, and with that the girl would stop crying while wandering the streets searching. It was just a matter of coming close to it very carefully, since it used to go away from him. Slowly he approched on the other side of the street, completely focused on the little fur ball, when he was just on the other side, only a matter of crossing and grabbing it, a car stop, right in front of him, blocking his objective, a sound of a door opening and closing, and then, nothing just the empty space, along with the car, little Colosso has gone away. Officer Godinez , could do no more than suspire, thinking that he was now the bad news bearer, the one who will tell Teresita, that her little dog, was stolen.
Ps, As usual my creepy and evil smile
love the experimentation with color! Great photos and I do love reading about your adventures!
te mando un abrazo
Thanks christian
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