Le Chateau Frontenac
The pictures of the trip to Canada are back.
I knwow, I know I been posting them for a long, long time. I promise to try to finish them as quickly as I can.
Also this week been a bit tiresome, everyday, staying at office till over midnight. No time to anything.
Hopefully weekend goes well.
Also there is hurricane alert, we are at the moment in just "pay attention to news" state. Yellow alert, I think is called.
They expect it to hit the other side of the peninsula monday or tuesday.
Me prays it does not hit over there, or not hard, Please hurrican be nice. A special tought to my friend on Cancun.
Also that the rain of the borders does not flood us.
Well back to the photo. This is "Le Chateau Frontenac", that is a very luxurious hotel in Quebec.
I posted two images, since I couldn't decide which one to show off, the light time one, or the night shot. Both just look amazing.
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