A scary window knock
This is a story of something that happened a while ago.
As I have told, I use to sleep in girl pijamas. SO one night I went to sleep as usual.
At some point I heard a knock on my window, (since I dont have a doorbell, thats how people knock at my place)
So as I was starting to wake up, when I heard a male voice saying "Hey pretty, nice butt"
That scared me, someone saying that meant that he was able to see inside my room. How much was he able to see?? Was it like the one time that one of the courtain fall of, leting half window exposed to the street?? Was it a courtain a bit a side?? Was it only a little area??
The knock on the window reapeatted, this time saying "Her pretty, wake up, let me see more", this time I noticed the voice, as a drunk person.
I decided to play the part of "I am deep sleeping, nothing wakes me up".
The person tried a couple of knocks, then they stopped. I decided to wait a bit more, before giving a look toward the window.
There was a little openning in between both courtains, apparently and hopefully he was only able to see from the middle leg till to the middle of the back. Still a scary experience
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