Yes, I end up looking all angry in the photo, but I liked this one more than the smiling one.
Today is day 4 of the diet, and mi stomach is starting to growl, its tired of eating so little. Problem will arise on the weekend, being in places where delicious seafood can be eaten, and only allowed to eat fruits. Pain is sure to come.
Yesterday night I had a very strange dream, I lived in a submarine, butthe sea water was red, not blue. My job was only to make sure oxygen levels never go below 20%. But this submarine had a very weird method to recover oxigen. It didn't went to surface, instead it realeased lots of ball, filled with a yellow liquid that floated to the surface, once there the liquid by replaced by air, and the balls sink down, where they where picked with mechanical arms, and the air inside was used to refill the oxygen containers. Crazy-weird
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