After the walk a bit of coffee
After finishing walking around paseo Montejo, we went for a little rest and coffee at the Vips there.
The same as before, To chat more comfortably.
This time the thing was that I was going with only my hair, and if already a problem that I cant style it, and after the walk and little wind, it sure was shapeless.
But something that really, boosted my confidence, was that the waitress, when addressing to me always said "Señorita2 (miss in spanish). Of course, I was happy.
My friend told me, that it would be a good new experience, if I was the one who went to the cashier to do payment. All went normal, pay, get change, like any other costumer.
Is really nice to be able to spend a nice chat, with coffee, not having to worry about "will someone notice, will someone tell anything"
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