Under an arch
A walk on paseo Montejo.
Yes I was nervous, not so much for going out as Jessica on daylight, but mostly for the fact I was doing it without the wig and that felt like more in the open. In some way mi mind thinks that with a wig is more difficult to be recognized, an although yes, I agree my natural hair looks better, the fact it has no shape, or proper hairdoo,hile the wig does, in my mind makes the wig more convincing that my own hair. I know, I know, its only a false thought in my mind, but I guess with time, as I go out like that I'll get used.
The walk, almost felt like a normal walking in any touristic avenue. A few stops to take photos. Most of the people also walking around didn't even bothered to look toward us, and from the few hat looked us, didn't catch any weird reaction.
Points of notice in the walk, a couple of them.
Since they were moving away some sculpture, in one corner there was an area with some scultures lready in wood cages, and 6 men working on putting them in a truck. My friend, kind of hesitated if to walk in front of them, but we did it. so she took my hand and we wlaked by. Nothing actually happened. If I went there on my own, I would have indeed turned around as soon as spottted.
Other is that I need to focus more on remmember how to walk, as my friend said, sometimes I kind of started walking again as boy.
Good luck, the air decided to behave, so no accidents with the skirt.
I really felt great to be able to walk like that. little by little I got more corage to go out as Jessica as me.
I liked how this photo looks.
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