A brief memory
The following days Matilde tried to find something in her memories that could give her a clue about the letter contents, but no matter how hard she tried, all she was sure was that indeed the word Arugai seemed familiar to her.
On the weekend visit to her mother she tried to find another clue, but the kind of writing was not something her mother saw or remembered, to her Arugai was a word with no meaning, and as for the reference to someone Matilde was brought to as a child and visited several times later, it could be any of many relatives and family friends.
Her mother gave her the names, of all those that she remembered they visited either regularly on occasionally, and from them which ones she knew that have died. But from those 12 names in the list, none of them caught Matilde's eye.
Her mind kept active, thinking, trying to remember for a couple of more days, but as time passed, the mystery of the letter was pushed by her daily activities until it was lost on her memory.
Almost two weeks later, she went to the market to buy some fruits for the week. While she was walking to the place where she usually bought apples, she saw something that caught her attention, one of the baskets was red. Not an usual color, being that most where not painted. And with that a memory came back to her head, a piece of furniture under a window, on top of it a little red basket filled with yarn, suddenly a cat jumped through the window, knocking the basket as it went inside and ran to its left, while Matilde heard herself scream "Arita, Arita, a cat is inside"
That moment she realized that the scream she heard, actually came from her mouth, and people were starting to stare at her. A bit hurried and excited she finished shopping. On arrival to her apartment she just throw the bags, she had a memory, a clue, a name, but just like in her mind the idea that she was finally close to know who had written that letter, it disappeared, for on the name list, there was no Arita.
Was it a real memory, or something her mind created to remind her of the letter?? Or maybe her mother just forgot to put that name on the list or the name was somehow wrong. But for now, more than a lead her memory became just one more question.
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