Friday, May 30, 2008

Sufrimiento Contenido

Sufrimiento Contenido

Sufrimiento Contenido

Venid y observad los colores en fiesta
Entre mis dedos encuentra esos sueños
Del fondo de mis ojos el reflejo de lagrimas perdidas
Junto a mis hombros el anhelo de un placer que no llego.

Tocad y sentir este calor en frío tormento
Bajo mis brazos el ansia de una espera
De mis labios la amargura de la alegría futura
Sobre mi espalda el dolor de esas mañanas

Hundíos y oler los aromas en lucha
En mis cabellos la ternura contenida
Junto a mi cuello los deseos reprimidos
Con mis manos una tristeza eterna

Calmaos y escuchar los gritos en silencio
De mi corazón la vida que ofrecemos
Sobre mis muñecas la esperanza una muerte
Frente a mi nariz un suspiro mil veces negado

Recibid de mí y saborear con calma
Bajo mis piernas el libido ansioso
Junto a mi vientre la pasión entre nervios
De mi lengua el amor que aun no nace.

Monday, May 26, 2008




En many tales, movies, games, or any other thing where shadows are mentioned es entities of evil or to scare, they are always entities of the dark.

And always the way to defeat a shadow is with light.

But me thinks that is the other way. I mean, shadows only show when there is light, if in a completely dark room, how can shadows exist.

Flower with bottle caps

Flor de Tapas

Flower with bottle caps

A flower made with bottle caps.

Thursday, May 22, 2008




What a blocked road can cause.

Well on the island, almost since I arrived they been doing repavement on the street. So they closed a few block for several weeks (sometimes more)
Well from where I live to the gas station is a simple short trip, two blocks forward, turn left, seven blocks forward, and you are there.
But las night, after the left turn, I find that just 2 blocks ahead the street is closed. No Problem I said, just turn left, and at the neareast possible right again and soon I'll be on the other street that takes to the gas station.
There I go, when on the next trun, horror, its full, since there was a crash ahead, but being a few meters after the next corner, its just a matter of just making a bigger round-turn. Anyway just 15 minutoes to get to the next corner. Turn, and surprise, i forgot that street just goes one block before joining to another street that goes to the other side, so need to turn. After like three more turn, finally I get to one main street that crosses the gas-station street, so it should be easy now. Mistake, turns out that they changed the flow of the street I needed to turn, to help with the traffic caused by the blocked street, so needed to go a few more block more, making me ending lamost in the point I started, just two blocks closer to downtown.

At the end I did arrived to the gas-station, after a long trip, making over half an hour on a trip that usually takes 5-7 minutes






No longer can it fly and see the world from the skyes.



Out-of-Focus - Blurry

Little Skulls


Little Skulls

Detail from a pen I got. Me likes the little skulls.

Monday, May 19, 2008

The monster is back.

The moster is back

The monster is back.

After almost 2 months without dressing, and more than one month without updating flickr or blog. The monster is back.

I was kind of ultra busy from work, add to it a certain feeling of not wanting to do much or put effort.

But hopefully this time is not a one-time Jessica appearance in between.

Thanks to all who sent messages or email worrying.
