What a blocked road can cause.
Well on the island, almost since I arrived they been doing repavement on the street. So they closed a few block for several weeks (sometimes more)
Well from where I live to the gas station is a simple short trip, two blocks forward, turn left, seven blocks forward, and you are there.
But las night, after the left turn, I find that just 2 blocks ahead the street is closed. No Problem I said, just turn left, and at the neareast possible right again and soon I'll be on the other street that takes to the gas station.
There I go, when on the next trun, horror, its full, since there was a crash ahead, but being a few meters after the next corner, its just a matter of just making a bigger round-turn. Anyway just 15 minutoes to get to the next corner. Turn, and surprise, i forgot that street just goes one block before joining to another street that goes to the other side, so need to turn. After like three more turn, finally I get to one main street that crosses the gas-station street, so it should be easy now. Mistake, turns out that they changed the flow of the street I needed to turn, to help with the traffic caused by the blocked street, so needed to go a few more block more, making me ending lamost in the point I started, just two blocks closer to downtown.
At the end I did arrived to the gas-station, after a long trip, making over half an hour on a trip that usually takes 5-7 minutes
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