The night arrived to the forest before expected, but Pepe still tried to follow his path, he really wanted to get home. But as it happened every time he went into the forest by night, he got lost.
Not such a big problem, except for having to sleep all uncomfortable on the wild, but he knew once the sun raised again he would easily find his path back.
Next to a tree, Pepe started to think of the days ahead while the time to sleep arrived. Then he heard a voice far away saying - "Yes I think he is lost"
Pepe smiled, another human, if the words were referring to him help was probably there, and if it was about someone else, at least there would be some other people to be around, and not to be alone in the forest.
And he walked toward the voice, while calling -"hello, hello"
But as much as he tried finding the owner, for much as he walked and called, he found no one, so again time to lay on the floor by a tree.
Not 5 minutes have gone by, when again he heard, this time close - "yes, he is definitively lost"
Again Pepe stand up, and walked while shouting this time "hello, hello, anybody", until again he got tired and went down again.
But as soon as he was sitting down, he heard again, "Lost he is indeed, and if he follows like that he soon be dead too"
With that he got scared, and decided to stop calling and looking, wishing not to hear the voice again.
Luckily he soon falled sleep, and by next morning when the sun raised he was able to easily get home.
While crossing the door he saw his wife crying, but the cries quickly became smiles while she jumped to hug him.
-Oh Pepe you silly, how scared I was, you out there, and yesterday was the night the demons usually go to the forest to hunt.
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