To Kill
Sat by the table just looping to its coffee cup, his eyes lost in a point beyond the wall where the pots where hanging. That is how Tomas was to start his big day. As if his body knew of how important it was, his senses were more receptive that morning, the smell of coffee seemed more intense, Marina’s cat sound was like a huge motor, his hands where able to feel each hole, each texture of the piece of bread he had on his hands, even the light heat flowing from inside out.
It had been three months since he started training with Don Percibal, he finally managed to use the knives with enough dexterity, his arms had gained enough strength to cut a bone, he was able to measure weight just by holding almost as close as the balance. But till that day he had always been at the counter.
Just a couple of days before Don Percibal had told him - Tomas, I think you are Reddy to help at the killing, you will need to arrive earlier, but there is an extra payment for the time, what you say boy, would you like to learn and try?
I can really use the extra money, and arriving earlier would not be a problem – and with those words Tomas agreed to begin a new training.
After trying to have breakfast, Tomas left the house by a time when the sun was still away, in the tranquility of the neighborhood his steps sounds as those of a military squad. Around the corner a light told him that the butchery was already in activity, just a few more steps and he would face the new responsibilities at the slaughterhouse. Entering the area he could see today’s arrivals, a couple of lambs one black and one white.
Don Percibal said Hi while fixing the knives, Antonio was there too Cleaning the cut tables. Tomas got himself ready taking one of the aprons while Antonio asked him to take one of the lambs and tie it to the pole on the center of the room. As he came closer to them Tomas could still sense a light smell of grass in them, meaning they just came by not long ago. He grabbed one of the rope, but that one refused to walk with him, tried the other and the same occurred, but Tomas didn’t want to pull the by force so decided to take that one on his arms, while he walked to the pole with the little animal in his arms, he could feel the warmth that it had as well as its heartbeat, so fast that he even began to think – If we don’t kill it quickly, it with die itself when its hearth explodes.
A Light laughter took him out of his thinking so he hurried to tie the animal while Don Percibal said, “Tomas, you don’t need to carry them, make them walk to their deaths, and tie him up strong, with this one I will show you how to do it, you will serve the other one”. Tomas saw how the animal started to get all nervous, but when Don Percibal came close to it he managed to calm it down while patting its head. When seeing that one could even thought of a man caring for a pet. But in a second, Don Percibal grabbed the head in one of his hands and pulled it back, and before the animal could react he tied it closer to the pole with the other arm. The poor animal caught by surprise then was only able to bleat in despair. Just as he finishing doing the knot Don Percibal grabbed a knife while saying to Tomas – watch carefull where I do the cut, and note that it has to be a quick movement- and he moved the blade with decision and speed over the lamb throat. It made a last sound; like a cry but it was cut before it finished forming. Its wool began to turn red.
Don Percibal now with calm showed Tomas again how the cut movement was made, the right spot to make the cut, how much strength he needed to put while doing it, meantime the lamb blood started to fall in the little recipient under it. Its legs had started to get loose unable to hold its weight any longer if not by the fact it was still tied.
Once it looked like fully dead, Antonio take it out of the pole, and carried it to one hook to the left to let the rest of the blood run down, at the same time Don Percibal handed Tomas the knife while walking to the other lamb. Tomas was there seeing the blood over the blade as Don Percibal was pulling the little animal towards the pole. Once tied Don Percibal looked towards Tomas wile sporting a huge smile accompanied by a voice who said “Well Tomas, are you ready to kill your first lamb???”
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