Jessica and Mariana
First Parade, chronicle part 4
First the photo, at the Zocalo, with my lovely friend Mariana, she was the friend I went out of the parade to go buy a soda at a store, and ended up lost. Also she stayed with me while I was taking photos all around the Zocalo, and at the end.
As I was telling, Mariana and I arrived to the Zocalo, thinking we had ahead the task of looking for the rest of the girls all around the Zocalo. While walking we saw that on the other corner there were lots of people guarding the street, so we went there.
It happens the parade was going over that other street, at some previous corner it changed street, and we didn’t noticed.
And to our good luck, as we went in to see which group was walking by, it happened to be our group, TvMex girls. What a coincidence without much trouble we were back together.
And so I walked the last meters with them to finally arrive to the Zocalo. And finally the end of the walking in the parade, for there was more walking still to do.
Once there the usual take a photo, see here, go there. Then Rocio said, "Well who is going with us to eat".
It was past 3:30, so in group we went to eat a bit. A chaos at where we went for we sure were a big group.
After eating, I returned with Mariana to the Zocalo, to watch the remaining groups of the parade arrive at the Zocalo.
For now I stop the chronicle.
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