Tower of words
I remember when I was a kid there was this song
Original in spanish at the end
On the book you will find
the treasure of knowledge
that will belong to you
if you learn to read
For are letters the secret code
that to new world would let you go in
there is fat letters
another thin
long, big, small,
with curves
or straight
I love reading, and indeed books are keys to different worlds.
En los libros hallarás
el Tesoro del Saber
para ti todo será
si aprendes a leer
Pues son las letras, la clave secreta
que a mundos nuevos te dejan entrar
hay letras gordas
otras flaquitas
o alargaditas, grandotas, chiquitas
que tienen tres curvas
o son derechitas
tambien ......... ponerlas
unas con otras
parecen notas de una canción.
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