From the moment Matilde came down of the taxicar she realized she had been there before, the swing was there, and the garden gnome that she remembered a few days ago. Once at the door, a decoration over the mailbox caught her eye, a little fairy holding a piece of gear machinery. One thing not easily associated with faeries.
When trying to open the door, the key started to turn, but at the middle it stopped -- mm, such a trip and for nothing. Making a last attempt she again saw the fairy, and noticed the gear was missing one part, that brought the memory of the day Arita taught her to open the door "it has a trick, you have to take the key away a little bit before it stuck, I think the lock is missing a piece" and like that Matilde did as in her memory and the door was open
To see the inside of a house she had forgotten but that immediately she began to remember was weird, to see that chair so strange but that just a second later was telling her of the time she took photos there wearing a pretty green floral dress, or the table center with two angels that looked so intriguing, but that at the same time brought images of a dinner and a man with beard, ah doctor Algeno was his name, giving the tow angels to Arita as a present.
And while she looked every detail of the house that seemed new, unknown or interesting, her mind almost instantly brought a memory related to it. Why did it seem as if she had forgotten everything?? Why was she able to remember so easily with just looking???
Some noise finally brought her out of her thinking and memories, and she made the last step into the house. While she closed the door she was thinking if it was a good idea to go look the rest of the house or left that for another moment when she was able to get all those new and forgotten memories. Better to start looking for the second letter. Watching the windows on the living room, she looked for the little table under it, she sow two, but no red basket with yarn, or a basket empty at all. A couple of times she looked around and couldn't find it, it was a sign that she would end up looking all around the house.
Falling into a sofa, her mind was battling between trying to remember more of the window, basket and cat, or to accept that perhaps the memory was not that true. After a few minutes unable to remember more she decided that she would have to go around the house while playing with that rounded object in her hands.
Entering the kitchen the oven made her remember of the day she helped Arita to make cookies, and the blue fry-pan of the time she first saw how fried fish is made, or the letters at he fridge that she used to play words and rimes, but nothing of a cat or a basket. At the study room, a table would paint on her memory the many days she spent drawing things, the bookshelf still had those books with tales that Arita and mom use to tell her, the mirror n which one time she dreamed herself as a reflection of a princess, now showing her while playing with a ball of yarn, that sculpted head of Aristotle that freaked her so many time when she....
- Hey, where did I got that ball of yarn - Matilde asked herself - But I have had it on my hand since I stood up.
She hurried to the sofa, and next to it there was the red basket. Why did she ignore it in her first look around???
And there under all the yarn, was a second letter.
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