On some stairs
Sunday was a day of going around as Jessica, with a few new experiences. A good thing was that the weather went cloudy, so the temperature was just right to go around walking without worrying that make-up got ruined due to hot weather. The risk was f course the rain, but fortunately the moments it rained we were not outside.
It began with a travel to downtown Villahermosa, going to buy some fabrics, for some new project in mind. It was a thing of going around visiting several stores, asking, checking colors, textures, shopping.
And between the walks to one store to another, we went into a clothes shop, and I saw a couple of dresses I liked, so after looking them a bit, I asked one of the sales-lady if I was allowed to try them, and she did said YES, and so there I went. Mi first time shopping clothes in girl mode, even trying clothes and all.
Later went to eat at some place, and when out took a little time to take a few photos in a park near by, very few since we had to hurry since rain was about to come. Only problem is that with the wind, my hair looks like a complete mess. Horror.