Sunday, December 20, 2009

Just one ash


Just one ash

The red sofa would finally leave the house

For years it had won many battles
It endured the weight of Uncle Mariano every monthly visit
It was victorious against the woodworm three times
Its color continued no matter the sun or all those chemical cleaners
Resisted the jumps of the younger kids, and the mischief of the teenagers.
Survived the attacks of the cat, and the beating of Doña Ana during her cleaning duties.
It looked like it would be able to win the battle against time.

The only furniture at the house that persisted after many years.
Its style and beauty made it immune to fashion, style changes, the new colors and fabrics.

And then the terrible day arrived, when by the hand of cousin Josefino, one little ash from a cigarette would jump outside the ashtray, and start the flames that would consume it.


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