St Trinian or the disadvantage of living in a lazy illiterate thirdworld banana republic.

So went to the movies a few hours ago, for 10 films at the cinema, have already seen 7, my 3 options were a Cat and dogs film for little kids, a mexican comedy, and St. Trinians.
The title in spanish (Niñas bien) was already a warning, but the synopsis said it was a British comedy film about a girl college who has to stage a robbery to save its college. That sounded ok.
When I received the ticket I saw those 3 little words that are the sign of movie damnation ESP, meaning the movie was not in its original language, but in spanish.
I understand kids movies being dubbed to spanish, and most of the time the dubbing is a good work on kiddy movies.
Unfortunately on non kiddy movies, dubbed to spanish in 90% of the time means one of the following two options:
- A mediocre work, with flat voices and minimal acting
- The worst nightmarish thing ever, with terrible localization, and obnoxious voices.
Yes there is still a 10% possibility that you find a good dubbing in Spanish, after all in the past (10 years ago or more) the dubbing made in Mexico was the best, unfortunately now that is only true in very few movies.
So I went into the movie with lots of fear, the movie starts, and the horror, the first sentence is spoken in a really bad faked voice, and using mexican slang words.
And it was there that I had to heard not only the worst kind of spanish dubbing, but actually the worst among the worst, the one that tries to be funny by using semi-outdated slang words, heavy stereotypical accents, and sentences that hurt the brain.
From what I saw, I am sure the movie is funny to watch in its original language. Unfortunately in Mexico the spanish language version was modified to the point that one can't know, and only hopes that whoever decided to dubb the movie in spanish suffers the worst pain for a thousand years
PS. And to add insult to injury, this movie was out in UK, at 2007, yes I was seeing a 3 year old movie, in the worst spanish dubbing ever.