Zombie Anime
Just finished watching an anime called "Highschool of the dead", a title that shouts ZOMBIES.
A day like any other, all highschool students at the classroom, except for Komuro who skipped class, and sees the start, how a stranger comes to the school door and attacks biting some professors. Problem is after the teachers die, they came back as zombies.
First act, we get to see the students reaction, most of then just running to the exit and dying to become more zombies, we get to see the main characters start on their own and planning on how to survive, finally getting all together and planning to escape school, which they manage to do via a school bus, along with a second group of survivors. Only to find out the city is also attacked by the zombies.
Second act, conflict inside the bus arise, the other group with a teacher in charges wants to take command of the bus, Rei and Komuro leave the bus, and suddenly are separated from the group, the decision is to meet at some common point by the next morning. While on route, the remainder of the original group leaves the bus and goes to the meeting point.
Third act, all together, the group takes refuge at the house of the nurse’s friend who happens to be military. A stop point to rest, eat, clean, get supplies and rethink strategy in order to go look for their families. Suddenly they see a man with his little girl being attacked y zombies, the dad is killed but manages to temporarily save the girl, Komuro decides to save the girl, but by doing so alerts the zombies, and so they have to leave the safe place behind.
Fourth act, is the group going around town towards their families houses, first by proximity is Saya, but they came to a road-block, and while turning back the car stops working, and zombies start to move towards them, A fight for survival with all of their guns, is quickly coming to the point where no ammo is left, and physical fight is the only possibility to survive. When all seems lost a group of people from the other side of the road block came to rescue them.
A fifth act, we see the rescue party is from Saya's mom, along with her father they have rescued people around town and take them to the gardens of their big house, a safe place, with blockade against zombies. The kids got a pause to rest, get more supplies and get their car fixed. But the peace is short, an accident outside the house breaks one of the blockades, and soon the zombies manage to enter the gardens attacking people. Saya's parents decide to go and help the survivors, while the kids decide to go out and continue their road to the rest of the families.
Hopefully there is a second season for the anime, since the end, is not quite an ending.
A nice zombie survival story, which I totally recommend if you like that kind of thing. But the anime has a big problem, maybe huge problem. The amount of fan service is just too much, and sometimes even ridiculous. I understand the target audience is teenage boys, so they add fan-service to improve the selling value, but in the case of this series, the amount is just one drop short of turning a great anime into garbage.