Friday, March 17, 2006

Jessica, first outside the 4 closed walls

So here is the chronicle of my other crazy adventure.
Just remember I warned you, that once I told it, might not seem so crazy, but it was to me.

So after my friend went away, I went back to boy mode, and go visit places around, little shopping and the like. I return to my room around midnight.

When Mariela and I were dressing, she said something about taking a few pics outside in the hallway, but just a few minutes after she said so, a cleaning lady pass by outside. And that happened several times. So we decided not to do it.

But now it was midnight, yet too risky, but in a way I really wanted to do it, so I went to nap a couple hours. And around 2 am, I wakeup, put a little make-up, put my black dress and look through for signs of people outside. It seemed desserted.

And so I go out, and took a pair of pics. No flash, since didn't wanted to risk anymore. And I could see my mistake, Black Dress, at night, and black background, You can barely see me in the pic.

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