I know any psycologist would say is just another of my sociopath behavior. But why the hell did they invited me to go to the movies on a Wednesday.
With that thing of it being supposedly cheaper (In mexico the ticket is half price on wednesdays), movie theaters are more crowded that anything. You can´t giv e two steps without almost bumping into someone.
And you find all kind of rare human species.
The lady with like thre hundred kids, and she is unable to control them, yet she manages to buy a Jumbo size soda to each one of the. And all too big for them, they are spilling soda all the way to their seats.
Or the guy who hasn´t take a bath like in three days, but put like 3 bottles of perfume on top, yiak the worst of smells, and to his arm, his girlfriend with cellulitis and bigger belly than a sumo wrestler, scaring averyone, while using a tight gym outfit.
Or the tree teens, all the time talking on their mobille phones, most probably withim themselves.
Or the elderly couple, who when you see them make you say "Oh so cute", but when they are walking ahead of you slower than a giant turtle, and thousands of people are closing distance behind you, the horror.
And yet, my movie companions says, "But if this is the beauty of going to the movies, to share the exciment and laughter of it with all this people around us".
The greatest horror, that is.
lol that is why I rarely go
jejeeje, Yeps
Hi sweety.
thanks to both anonymuos
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