Friday, September 01, 2006

Fungi 2 J

Fungi 2 J

Ok, I like the fungi, jejeje.

So a few more Fungi shots. Well not all of them are, but the others ones I liked too.

Top Left, some fruit thingies at different states, one yellow, green , and rotten. I moved them to be closer, but lots of the fruity things were under the tree.

Top Right, a nice Fungi community at the base of a tree, liked the dual color in the fungi.

Middle Left, a white fungi group, this one felt really soft, and altough blurry, a centipede can be spotted there.

Middle right. A green fungi party, kind of like a stair to go up the tree.

Bottom left, a lonely big fungi, this one was big, and looked so yummi, like ready to bite it right there. (I did not, since it might be poisonus)

Bottom right, some fruity things

Well guess thats all

Jessica, the fungi freak

And to all a happy weekend and start of a new month

PS , as usual for the almost full size pic, go here


Anonymous said...

lol I love them too. are those round ones fungi?????

Jessica Sweet TV said...

Top Left and Bottom right is some kind of fruit, not fungi, but I like them anyway.