Ok, so no new Jessica's Pics, why?
Well among other things been sick of the flu (the evil mind says is bird flu, so in theory I will die in two weeks) so that really put me in a lazy mode.
Second to that last weekend was the celebration of Independence Day for Mexico so took advantage of that to go visit my family. So got to put my boy mode at front.
And three, at return got quite busy at job.
But hopefully evil mind is wrong, and I'll be healthy soon and able to try a new Jessica's look.
Anyway, to the pic
Well they are a few Iguanas, Lizards, and Reptiles from the archeological area.
As little kiddy I liked seeing the, since they are like mini-dinosaurs. And as a kid, I liked dinosaurs. To think of such huge reptiles was incredible. I remember I had a few dinosaur books, dinosaur plastic toys and skeletons. I would easily spent hours playing with the dinosaurs.
I liked seeing dinosaur movies, I loved the first Jurassic Park. Bad thing were the following sequels, those other Jurassic Park movies were awful. A nice movie ruined by the greed of the hollywood money-seeker devils.
But then the dinosaurs died, (according to the most famous theory , due to a meteor falling in Yucatan - Oh that's exactly where I photographed those reptiles) but somehow their mini-sized cousins survived, and are here to reminds us, that on some other era, a different species ruled the Earth.
Well, till next week
Have happy days
Jessica, the dinosaur dreamer.
Hi Sweety
Glad you are feeling better.
mmm oh yep they be monsters
Now all you need is a your hero on a white horse to save you from the fire breathing dragons and the evil wizzard that tied you to that pole to be a sacrafice so that his powers will be enhanced.
lol ok I am going overboard lol
Have a wonderful weekend sexy
Thats a nice story to go with the pic :D
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