Oh My, what was going on in my mind?? What crazyness made me do that??
Someone needs to lock me away and hide the key where no one can find it.
The only good thing in this photo is the fact of being taken in natural sun daylight so in theory colors appear as they really look like.
Anyway, some little background
As told you before, I went to a natural reserve, and stayed at this nice little hotel, in a bedroom with this nice balcony with view to the sea.
Thats great because it allowed to see the great sunrise I shared in the previos image collage.
Just that sight was wonderfull, but I did something extra to enjoy it in a different way.
So I woke up really early, like around 5 am, knowing how I am so very slooooooooooooow in doing the make up (and even so, the results are not good with all that time)
All dark still outside, when I was finally into the Jessica's mode. So I sit down.
Then the sky started to turn orange, and a few minutes later the sun started to appear over the horizon.
For the first time in her short life, Jessica was enjoying a sunrise. I sit there at the balcony edge just enjoying it, seeing the sun rise, seeing the sky change colors, feeling the sea breeze against my legs, feeling the wig hair moving against my face, the first touch of the sun light against my bare skin.
And that great view, and all those new sensations made it wonderfull.
I then took a few minutes to shot some photos.
At some point some kids were in the inner water space down there looking for crabs, I was too far away so no problem.
Then as I was just enjoying being there, a person appeared in the balcony for next room, oh the horror.
He said "Hi, good morning", I tried to answer back , somehow I managed to say "good morning" but my voice sounded so boyish and ugly.
For a moment I tought of running back inside the room, but I was really enjoying being out there, that I decided to stay.
The boy went to sit, and at some point later went inside his room.
I stayed there, until I saw the first boats starting to go away, I realized that I still needed to go on all the process of becoming the boy back again, breakfast to go to reant a boat for the trip around the area.
So back inside, a last view of the sea as Jessica, with a tear and a smile.
And thats the story.
Now to the nonsense of my toughts.
Somehow my mind keeps saying that even as crazy as it sounds I enjoyed that morning view, that sunrise more in the girl mode than I would have in the boy mode.
Is it me going crazy?? is this girl trying to confuse my mind??
Perhaps I need to control and restrain this dressing thing a little bit??
Bye for now
Morning Jessica
beautiful view you had ...only surpassed by the beauty of the girl in the photo
Thanks Jessica
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