Lately I been from time to time, playing a train simulator at the computer.It is called Railroad Tycoon.
One of the reasons I like it is because it makes me remeber experiences in the past with trains.
When I was a litle kid, me and the family made a trip via train. A trip that now by car takes 4 hours, I think back then it was 6 hours.
By train lasted like 10 hours. But it was awesome. Because you see things completely different travelling by train.
Because you feel the movement different. Because it was magical that time as kids to go in a train.
Unfortunately, later the mexican goverment decided to sell the trains. And now in Mexico trains are no longer used to transport people. It's not profitable.
I know there is still one train in the north part of the country, A touristic train, PErhaps one day I'll travel by train again.
But that lead to another memory with trains. Since once the train stations were abandoned. I remember once I went inside the one in the city I lived.
It was all dark, scary. But to go in there with lamps, and see the abandoned trains at the light of the moon. Was great.
Also a train line went near my house, that one is still in use. It transport metal. Every now and then, you can see the train go to the foundry plant.
As kid, me and friends use to ride our bikes next to the train, trying to go next to it as long as we could. It was amazing.
I like trains.
Chu-chu Jessica.
Till tuesday, enjoy your weekends.
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