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I ended seeing another Anime series, this one called Ghost Hunt
Its about a high-school girl, that one day enters an aboandoned building in her school rumored to be haunted, turn out there is already a team of psychic researchers, she gots scared and crashes into one of them, both falling and the guy breaking his leg.
The main researchers tells her that now she has to help with finish setting the equipment, and other research stuff.
And looked that it was all, but then she is asked to join them as a permanent assistnat, and she does, and start helping them with their cases researching ghost and other paranormal activities,
They go to another haunted school, a house with a possesed doll, a place with thousand of spirits tormenting a family, and other cases.
Also the group of researchers makes the series very interesting.
The director, who seemed like a regular guy, but turns out has a super-psychic ability.
His assistant, that has like helper spirits, kind of familiar spirits, extra to know a lot about things.
There is a monk, he is the relax guy in the group, Good for exorcising, and doing some wood dolls for protection.
A priestess, also an exorcist with rites, at start she seemed to not really be good at it, but once she gets to show her wotk outside with nature, she is wow.
A chatolic priest, that looks like 5 years old, also esorcist of people, but with the catholic rite.
And finally a medium, she is ultra cute.
Funny and interesting series, kind of short actually.
Photo has nothin to do with my post, but hey.
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