I wish to Die
Why Ana?? - shouted Tomas - Have you lost your mind???
And what is my mind worth if its captive, what is my mind good for when it can make another ideas other than the ones we are taught to have, What use of mind if I can't make sense of it. Tell me Tomas, whats the purpose of being here, is it really that bad to wish for a second be free.
Ana, but what are you going to do once outside, have you not heard all the tale, you perfectly know that going outside the wall, is to walk a path among cries and sadness, you are certain that the destiny that awaits for those who dare walk is death.
What makes you so sure, - said Ana in a more calmed tone- the fact we never saw one alive again, does not mean they are dead.
But the absence of the dead ones doesn't mean they are alive Ana, plus are you telling me all those mothers who have seen their child go among tears, that for so long have waited, even after in their hearts they knew it was over had suffered in vain. Does it sound logical to you that none if there been survivors, have come back to tell us about what is beyond there, either to share the wonders they found, or to warn about the dangers ahead.
You might be right Tomas, but
But nothing Ana - screamed Tomas almost in anger and tears - dont you understand, what you want is suicide, what is it that drives you to wish doing something when the price is your life.
Ana's eyes gave up while she explained - Tomas tell me, can you really call this we have a life, do you really feel happy, cant you remember when we had illusions and dreams. All days we do the same, always in the same place among the same people, no new emotions, no illusions about tomorrow.
I know going over there could mean my death, but in the meantime I'll be free, I'll be happy, I'll feel emotions, I'll dream, and above all, I'll have a purpose and objective in whatever it is that remains for me to live, to go as far away as I can, to know what it is really like over that wall
Yes Tomas, if thats the result, then yes to remember how it is to live, I do wish to die.
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