Well as I told in the previous historical post I created Jessica and an Internet Id for her.
On those old times the way to talk to other people on Internet was ICQ, and so I created an account there.
Some days I logged in with Jessica's number. Problem was I had no contacts on ICQ for the t-girl world.
I asked the few girls I sometimes emailed with, only one have used it, and due to time zones, only a couple of times we met there, nice short chats.
But not having contacts was not a stop to do some chatting, the problem was that it was not the kind of chatting I wanted.
Basically I could summary the kinds of conversation into the following
Like 15% were people with female identity
Around 50% mainly wanted to complain or talk about boyfriends and ex or talk about how hot X or Y was. After a while it got boring.
Around 30% did some kind of chat, sometimes interesting, some other times not much, but like chatting normally.
Around 19.999% of them after "hi, asl, ho u do" started trying to go into s-ex-ch-at or cy-ber-s-ex or anything similar.
And 1 girl found out on her own after some little chatting about Jessica in fact being a boy, found it funny, and kept talking to me, mostly out of curiosity of this funny behavior of me wanting to dress girly.
Like 80% were male people.
Around 50% of them after "hi, asl, ho u do" started trying to go into s-ex-ch-at or cy-ber-s-ex or anything similar.
Around 40% tried to make a bit more of conversation (sometimes for a few days) before going into the same cyber thing.
Only like 10% actually were into chatting like a usual chat.
The remaining 5% basically a hi asl, and after finding I was form mexico they dissapeared.
That’s for the start, sometimes after just a few lines I did told them the awful truth about Jessica, some other times I told after a longer while, and sometimes I forgot to tell.
It kind of not matter if I come clean about the ugly secret in Jessica early or later, the reactions were more of less the same, like 95% of the people never talk again, and like half of them called me liar or something worse before disappearing.
But there were other people who kept talking no matter what Jessica was.
A couple of interesting histories from those who kept talking to me.
A boy who usually just kept talking about school stuff, suddenly started hitting on me
A girl who usually chat with me about computer games (yep we both geeky) started talking to me about how hot actress X looked, and how she found girl Y so attractive. We still talked about the games.
An old man who after that offered me plane tickets to his place.
But the one I remember the most was this guy, who was of the cyber-thing bunch, pretty annoying at a start, so I thought telling him would scare him away, well nope, he then went into talking about his stuff at work (pretty interesting thing about chemistry stuff), became a regular person to chat. Then he disappeared for like a month. When he return, he then was talking all biblical, religious stuff (interesting part was he only talk about the evils of stealing, drinking, not doing god's will, but never used the religion stuff against my dressing), quite boring sometimes, but others quite good arguments about religion.
It then became the time I was out of school, first work in a different city, and no internet at all.
Jessica disappeared on that time, and her online personality died, forgotten.
What happen later, some other day I will write that. For now
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