Ok, so now back to the travel pics, jejeje.
As I mentioned somehow, somewhere, I went to the Chetumal area this weekend. In theory to see how the sea looks on the other side of the penisula.
It turns out, that the water bodies there, are not the sea, they are lagoon, since there is a bit of land on the other side. (there is where the sea is, and in a future weekend I will go there)
But anyway, the views there are incredible, and its a great place to go swimming, which I did and a lot. Problem was, that the sunblocker apparently didn't resist me sweating and too much time in the water, that I ended up all sunburned, more red than a lobster.
Anyway, to the description of the photos
Top to the left, is a view of the Bacalar Lagoon, from the pier at the shore-line, two tones of blue, and a great place to swim, water was incredible clear, you could see under it like 3 meters away, to see fishes needed to swim to the areas that were more deep, current was a little fast, good thing was in direction of the land.
Top Right, is another view of the Bacalar Lagoon, from a top area, the lagoon is also called, lagoon of the seven colors, and in this photo it can be seen why, various tones of blue. Really pretty.
Center Left, is the statue of the Fishermen, in the lagoon of Chetumal. Great place to do a long walk next to the water. No swimming there :(
Center Right, is a shot of the Bacalar Lagoon from a place called Xul-Ha, also great to swim, and lots of fishes around there thanks to the aquatic plants near land. Here the lagoon goes deep very quickly, so needed to be carefull when swimming, but was great.
Bottom Left is from a place Near Calderitas, facing the Chetumal Lagoon, great place for swimming, an then eat some nice fish empanadas with Coconut-water. Also a great place to swim. And where I did the little thing of swimming in, oh the horror, a girls swim-suit. What??How?? Well I got the bottom part on already under the boy short, so I swam a little far (to the little round float thingie that can only be seen in the original size pic) there, put on the top part, took off my boy short, and did some swimming in girl mode, but not easy with one hand busy holding stuff, so after a while put the short back in. I hope I went far away so that the two people by land, could not see me (plus they were too busy doing their stuff)
Bottom right is the Cenote Azul, a cenote near the lagoon, it is really deep, but also very calm water, a good place for swimming and see a few fish. Also there is a great restaurant located in one side, so I got a nice food time with such great view.
Well, guess thats enough of the water pics. Visited some other places as well, will show other day, And also about the little silly thing ala Jessica
Swimming Jessica the red.
Full size image, over here http://static.flickr.com/87/259768873_1656922d15_o.jpg
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