Now for the last part of the trip chronicle, and that was a bit of a spooky part.
So we are returning from the store, each girl with something on hand from the things we bought at the store, at somepoint I stop to ask for another picture (how vain I am).
Then almost closing to arriving we stopped at the corner, to let some car pass by, but then the car stopped and the driver let us cross the street.
There I go to croos the street in front of the car (the other girls also crossed) and once we were on the other side of the streeet the driver said "Hey pretty girls, were is the party?"
How could I not foreseen it, he just stop the car to get a better watch, not to let us cross.
We kind of ignore it, but he talked once more, asking "Can I give you a ride??"Me an one of the girls, said "Godd Night, Thanks but no"
I didn't saw the man's face, but I bet he was in big surprise, for our voices were too boyish.
He then just responded, with "Well, bye, enjoy your rest of the night", I did answered "You too" while he was starting to drive away.
You might said "thats not spooky", but to me in a way it was. A stranger talking to us at late night. That put me into thinking, and I was happy that I was outside with other people, in a way I think the number gave us some safety. Plus we were just a few meters away from the makeup place.
So we were at the door before the car even reached the corner. Back inside, and enjoy a few more time ther being all girly.
Suddenly without notice it was already too late, and it was time to change back to boy mode. I didn't want to, I was feeling so great, and I liked how I looked.
But there was no other option, still had to try to get a bit of sleeping before riding to the airport to catch my plane to parents home.
And thats it, the end of the chronicle of this trip to Mexico City.
Bye for now
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