Well I took a little advantage of the situation that my friend had a few wigs she was thinking on using for the dance night.
So before going out, I asked her to borrow the wigs to me for a few seconds.
Lets play with the hairstyles.
Left one, is the usual Jessica. I like it (otherwise I would have never showed it in the first place , jejeje)
In the middle, with a more curly hair, lot more hair volume. It's kind of a double-edged sword, a bit of me thinks it looks funny and weird, but another part of me thinks it looks good and a little bit sexy.
The right one, it has a nice hair flow, I like how it hangs around, but I don't like how it lets most of my face show up.
Anyway, into other matters
I am so nervous, this weekend I'll do another bit of travelling. Going to visit my family, that makes me super happy.
The thing is, friday, I'll make a stop at Mexico City, and try to go out as Jessica. That add extra emotions.
Little problem is later I'll be at parents home, and all of the jessica's stuff would be in my backpack, scary paranoia all over. Let's hope mom doesn't take a look inside.
I'll see you next week.
To all I wish you enjoy the weekend.
Jessica, one step before meltdown
I agree I love the curly style
have a great weekend
Thanks Jessica, It was a great weekend, me hopes yours was great as well
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