Noisy silence
Sitting a night on her bedroom a light back out cames and with darkness and silence surrounds her body
for a second she enjoys both, before thinking
Silence, is this really silence???
For start close to me I hear the sound of air flowing as I breath, and if I paid more attention the beats of my heart,
more paused I hear the sound of heels against the floor, the sound of a tree branch moving with the wind,
and more far the sound of an engine and the pass of wheels over the road, and the gentle meow of a cat.
Yes compared to minutes before when I was hearing the music come out of the stere, the wind flowing through a ventilator, the low noise of the refrigerator,
and in the distance the neighbor television, a couple of kids talking and playing outside, a very far alarm,
Yes, compared to that, this is silence, but it is a noisy silence.
PS, a photo of some pretty shoes I have, but haven't showed out yet.