Goodbye 2009
Another year by name ends, and more for customary of the date itself is that this year look back is made.
To remember the last 365 days, and try to see how life went on that time period.
What does 2009 was for Jessica.
A year that started good, a certain level of tranquility. That on early weeks allowed Jessica to show off in a somewhat constant way, being out there several weekends.
A first year that Jessica went to watch the Carnaval, first on Merida, where there was a little feeling of "being the weird one" since I saw no other trasvestite person, and that Carnaval was more like a Parade targeted to families.
A few weeks laters I went to the Carnaval in Coatzacoalcos, perhaps because I went there with other people, maybe because there were more girls like me, or due to that Carnaval having more a party spirit that a parade look, I enjoyed that one more.
And in Coatza there was a first interesting experience, going to the beach as Jessica, and even when I went there on plain clothes (no girl swimsuit) it was an interesting experience, I even ended up riding a horse.
Also this year was a first to try doing long nails (the non-glued ones) with colors and decorations, It was amazing to have those pretty nails on my hands, but it was also a bit problematic not being used to them, so simple things like to tie my shoes were too dificult or just imposible to do.
A good year start, Jessica going out, dancing, shopping, travelling.
A time to experiment with my looks and image, to try a few different hair-does, to take advantage of my now long hair, even had a dress custom made to fit.
Then there was the mid-year pause, a long pause, when Jessica entered like a summer hibernation period, spending all weekends on the island,no travelling, no dancing, no goint out, no dressing, no writing or posting photos.
By the time the year was close to ending is that Jessica reappeared, with a few extra weight on her, due to all that less activity on summer.
A coming back, that fortunately had a good amount of energy, where I had to relearn a few things, like how to do my makeup, or to spent a whole night on high heels, the first night out dancing my feet ended up in pain for not being used.
Luckily there was something that didn't dissapeared during my absence, the confidence to be myself as Jessica, to be able to go out dancing, out on the street, without the fears.
Year 2009 ends for Jessica with her wearing a new pretty dress at a Xmas party, wishing that the coming year is as good and xciting as how this started and ended.
Happy New Year 2010