Well, the posts from the past and nostalgia are back, so I'm going to bore you again with my stories from before.
Anyway, as I have already told you before, the opportunities to dress up girly were very rare, but that fantastic weekend was still on my mind. So one summer, during the two months vacation the whole family was going to be in a different city, dad's job, nothing out of the ordinary. Well was during that time that another golden opportunitty arrived.
So there we were, happy, enyojing, when my arents get a call, that some receipt or something had arrived on the mail, and they nedded to pay it, before some date, but it needed to be paid at home town. Problem was none of my parents could make the trip, so me being the older one, was choose I was going to travel back to take care of it. Pretty simple, you go, you pay, you check the house, you came back, that included being alone for a while at home. At start I didn't want to go, I was having a great time there, and during the talk it never ocurred to me that it was an opportunity to be a girl once more.
Travel day arrived, it was when I got on the bus that I realized what was waiting for me at home, time alone, acces to two female wardrobe, cool. Well I arrived home, late afternoon, so I spent all that time, going through the clothes on both closets, to see what was left, what could I wear, was like going shopping, trying on clothes, color combinations, practically all evening went by on selecting the outfit for the next day. SO I went to my room, taking the clothes for next day wih me, and to sleep, next day I needed to wake up early.
Weel, next day, go doing payment, all bored, so finally I arrived home, I took a quick bath, put moisturizer cream all over my body, Wow my skin felt so soft, the wonders of being so young, I went into my room, put on a set on lingerie, in a light purple tone, really beutifull, then a lime green skirt, that was about knee lenght, and a black blouse. Finally a pair of low heels in black, I think I looked quite pretty.
So I spent the whole afternoon, dressed like that watching movies, reading, even later at night when my parents called to check If everuthing went ok with the paymet, I answered the phone dressed as a girl, in my mind as if I was their daughter, It was a great evening, I was having such a great time, that I reamin dressed like that until around midnight. I took the clothes out, and put on a pink camisole, to sleep. Next day I went back to boy mode, take everything back to its place, and travel back to my parents.
It was such an amazing, so like the previous weekend, that on the bus back, I promised myself, I would try my best for the opportunity to do it again in the future.
And to end this post, I put this photo, nothing to do witht the story, but , ah, whats the point of explaining it, I just wanted to put the photo.