And with this, Jessica says goodbye to 2006
Whising everyone a happy new years eve, and the best of lucks for the coming year 2007
Friday, December 29, 2006
A whole year since I started this blogging thing

According to blogger, I posted the first post on December 29th, of 2005. So as of today a whole year have passed by. I should probably explain why I started doing this blog.
For that I will do a bit of historical posting, very briefly, since I would do a whole post later about that historical moment. Ok, so the historical start that during summer of 2005 Jessica reappeared, as in, me getting a bit of girls clothes and kind of start dressing again after a time of no Jessica.
With time I managed to start building an outfit, and at some point decided to give Jessica an opportunity to exist. I recreated the Internet identity of Jessica.
At a start I thought about doing a webpage. Then one day I came across a Tranny Test, and after doing it, I look around the page from the girl who created the test, and found a Tranny blog, and that seemed like a nice idea. In case you wondering, the blog in question belongs to Becky in the UK ( A day to day tale of things she does, thinks, plans, and other stuff.
That was more dynamic than a webpage. Plus it would be great to look back, and in the case I did one see how Jessica was moving on during time.
And so during the not so heavy days of the end of year of 2005 I decided to start my blog. Even started it with the results of the tranny test.
The link to that post in english
So now a year later, the blog still goes, and is there as witness off all the crazy and silly things I have done as Jessica.
And I am surprised, wow, really I have done so many things that one year ago I wouldn't even imagine of doing. Definitively, if someone wants to send me to the psycho ward, in this blog is enough evidence to put me away for life.
Also after starting the blog, in blogspot-blogger I discovered other blog places, like the one from yahoo360, myspace, spaces, then flickr (which is a great photo place)
And also this blog, and all the other sites I post pics and things, have given me a lot of nice surprises.
But the best of it it's all the nice people I have met as Jessica.
A big hug, for everyone of them. I am not naming or doing a list , afraid of forgetting someone, but a big hug for all the nice things, comments, advices, support I have received on the blog (and other sites)
Until next year
PS. The photo, the human-body entity is putting Jessica, back inside into the closet, hidden away from the world, till next year
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Time to look back into this year.

It's almost end of the year. It's time to see how this year has come out. Well at least in terms of Jessica.
Might start with the boring part, the Jessica's 2006 Commitments, those things at start of the year one gets to promise that will accomplish by end of the year. Lets see how good Jessica was on doing them.
1.- Keep building the girl wardrobe, Ok this one definitively was a complete success, during the year I got lots, and lots of girl clothes, perhaps way too much, perhaps its even beginning to be problematic. Neeh, a girl can't never have too much clothes.
2.- Loose 15 pounds, Ok bad Jessica, she was supposed to loose weight, and well at some point at middle of the year she was starting to, but then got lazy and slowly stopped doing exercise, and recover whatever might have lost, and I think even got a few bit more. Ok, bad Jessica, no more chocolate for her next year.
3.- Not get a haircut, This was a bit easy, so yes I didn't got a haircut in the whole year, so now my hair is a bit longer than a year ago.
4.- Talk to someone about Jessica, Ok this one is a tricky one, I could just say "well through the blog I talked to the whole word on internet about Jessica", but that was not the deal, I could also say "Hey I talked about Jessica with the other girls I have met even on messenger or the few I met in real life", but that wasn't also the deal, so, that's another that I didn't do, and thinking of it, I don't even think I might be ready to, it's scary to think about it, so better erase this one.
5.- Pierce ears. Ok, this one looked like something of a good idea when I thought about it, basically the point was to be able to wear earrings some time, but since I discovered that there are some kind of earrings that I can use without my ears getting holes, so I can say I managed to did the purpose of it, so I can cross it off the list.
6.- Keep this blog, Ok this one definitively got accomplished, I did blog quite often (sure not daily, but no need to be that way).
7.- Going out at least one time, Ok this one got accomplished in certain conditions, I did went out as Jessica not only once but several times. Yes its possible to argue that they were under some conditions that kind of not exposed Jessica to interact much to other people, but definitively it was more than what I thought at the start of the year.
8.- Get a professional makeup and a photo shoot. And this one also accomplished.
Ok, so the count is
5 done
2 not done
1 that got changed in the way, so I count it as done.
Not bad, plus I got quite some great experiences as Jessica, and as the whole human entity.
Spooky Jessica
PS. about the pic, no I am not giving you the bad-eye curse, I just wanted to shoe some of the eye makeups. I love how my eyes look quite evil and cute (or so I think, but as always, it could just be the craziness in me seeing that)
Friday, December 22, 2006
Xmas Decorations in town

ok, definitively I must be going crazy now, by now Jessica was supposed to be kept away, till next year.
But oh no, my friend who lives here called me yesterday that she wanted to go out a bit, and there I went.
Good thing got to take a few pics in nearby park, with the Xmas decorations, perhaps this was a more suitable pic to say Merry Xmas.
SO again
Merry Xmas
The hippie looking girl
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Merry Xmas to Everybody
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Silly posing for a car model

Ok, to continue the story of this weekend dance night.
There we wre walking to the dance place, the usual WElcome, paying, and then to find a place to sit down.
We were talking a little bit, not too easy with the loud music, but we managed to go by.
Then the show started, It was a show based on the movie "Priscilla, queen of the dessert", it was great.
The dancing and coreagraphy was good (I am still surprised of the girl who ran in really high heel and platform shoes), the girl really pretty, and the uotfits, wow.
Finally it was dancing time, my friend and I danced till the place closed, with a few stops, since I had to stop due to the heath (I didn't want to be a sweaty girl), and to take a few drinks of soda.
It was great, I really enjoyed the dancing.
After that, time to go back, again at the parking place, it was great that the boy there, closed my door. He did got a nice tip.
On the way back to the hotel, I told my friend if it was ok if we stop by at some places to take a couple of pics, to remember the adventure, and she said yes, even when she was a bit nervous of anyone passing by (well I was nervous too, but I wanted my pic)
Back to the hotel, and have to walk by past the reception area, and I actually had to pass twice, since I had to return to the car to turn the inside light off.
We talked a little bit before finally saying goodbye to our girlselfs, time to go back to boy modes, and sleep before it was time to travel back to each others home next day.
The photo, well during the trip to find hotel, we passed through a car dealership who had this car next to the walkside, so I thought, if later the cars are still there, I want a photo posing next to the car.
Spooky Jessica
Monday, December 11, 2006
Crazy Jessica and the dancing fever

Oh look its Jessica on the Outside, Oh my, what this crazy girl did this time.
Well, I went to the nearby city of Merida, for another night out, dancing as a girl. And on the way back to hotel.
And yes as it can easily be seen in the photo I used the same outfit as the experiment I did earlier that week. Yes I liked the result that much, I repeat outfit that close, but hey I am wearing different hosiery.
But back to this weekend adventure, I decided that before the end of year Jessica deserved a last night out dancing, and with things already being scheduled in the forecoming weekends, that was the last chance, for the year.
Also I went to the disco place website and noticed they were doing a nice show that Saturday, so that seemed great. SO with a few time beforehand I told a couple of friends of my proposed trip.
So Saturday, after doing some errands at office in the morning, I jump into car and hit the road, but before that I sent a textmesage to my friend Vanessa to check if she was able to go.
At a town at middle of the road, I check back on my mobile, and there is an answer, yep she was free to go all got to do is pass by the city she lives. and we were set to travel.
Bit of time later, we arrive to Merida, we go by the hotel I stayed last time (I liked that one, because you go directly from room to car, so no passing through reception people when girl-dressed) but little problem, no rooms, ups.
So got to get a different hotel, this one the kind of hotel you pass by reception to go in and out. So we check in, my friend takes her one and only backpack off the car.
And me, well, Jessica can be such a mess, I was carrying two backpacks and a bag with the shoes, yes really, I couldn't decide before travel what outfit to wear, should I repeat the brown outfit I liked that much, or maybe wear a more party-like dress, or perhaps a more juvenile-trendy look. So what I did, carry them all three.
Jeje, now on the hotel room, to get changed, all dressed up, I started with the denim skirt, but decided better to go all brown, so to start over, and like 90 minutes later I was finally into girl mode. Help my friend a little bit, and we were ready to go.
To go out of the room, and we were hearing voices, like from the reception area, spooky, but we gave a deep breath, and there we go down the stairs, the click-clack sound of the heels was like wow. And the sound went with us all the way though reception area until we finally make it to the car.
Drive all the way to the dance place, as always driving in girl mode, was great, and since it was still bit early, around 11 at night, still plenty of cars around us at corner with stop signs or red light.
We finally arrived, I parked the car, and there were people telling where to park, so this boy told us where to leave the car, and then when I was starting to open the door, he made the quick movement to open it for me, that was incredible, it felt amazing.
And walk to the dance place, but of that part I'll tell tomorrow.
Bye for today
Silly Dancing Jessica
PS. about the pic,
It was taken on our way back to the hotel, we stopped at one of the park areas around Merida, and I really like the background in it.
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Historical, and an embarrasing experience while bra shopping.

Yep, another historical post and to close to the last one.
Ok, so after buying a dress that was way too small for me, and the failed dressing session, I realized one thing, I needed to go shopping for bigger clothes, and things that could be more easy to fit. Perhaps using two pieces instead of one.
I went and made a list of things I thought might work, ok a skirt with elastic waistband, easier to calculate size and stretch just in case. Next would need a blouse, and decided to try with a top, one of those spandex material might be easier to fit. that would work for a start.
So one day in the in-between times between lecture hours, I jumped into the car, and headed downtown, quite sure not to run into any classmates.
But wow, I was so nervous, I was able to saw quite some skirts and tops like the ones I was looking, even saw in one store a matching set, in pretty purple tones, but I was too afraid, could make myself, ask any of the salesperson to sell me those in large size. I went back to school after a while, a coward.
A few days later I tried buying again but in one of the big stores (walmart-like), of course selection of clothes is way too small, but its easier to locate size and just go pay. That day I managed to get a dark brown skirt. Back at home I tried it, and it fit perfectly, but still it felt incomplete.
The skirt remained hidden and locked for some weeks, before in another store I Managed to see and buy a top, it was a black top, with little light brown flower details around neck and one side of waist. And with the material it fitted perfectly.
So I waited a few more days to have the place alone for me for a couple of hours, took a quick shower, and the put on the skirt, the top, and went around the room almost all girly. But there was one thing that was wrong, the boy underwear, it felt wrong under the skirt, even if it was not noticeable. So I had a new thing to buy then.
First I thought, that would be like with the skirt and top, but as proof of how my mind played with me, it felt so different walking by the aisles of skirt, dresses and blouses, than walking on the aisle of panties, bras and other undies. I couldn't get courage to stop and start looking, I tried 3 times, and 3 times, I just passed by without buying a thing.
But sometimes is funny how things work, I went a few days latter to buy socks for the boy-side in another store, and on my way to pay, I passed by a stand that had a packs of 3 cotton panties, easily identifying sizes, it was so easy to just grab one and head to pay. And without worries, suddenly not only I had one, but three girly undies.
Days waiting for me to be alone and finally dress up all girly, were a big stress, every hour thinking, "I want to dress"
The day finally arrived, and it was super, being fully in girl clothes, my white cotton panty, mi dark brown skirt, the black top, walking around the house, having a snack, watching a bit of tv, do some homework, all being Jessica again, it felt like if something that was sleeping decided to wake up, making me happy.
And feeling so great I tried anytime I was alone at home and sure my housemate was not to return, during that time.
But little problem when dressed I started thinking, now I need more things, like girly shoes, bit of lipstick, a bra, accessories, perhaps more clothing.
Well in one of the malls there was this lingerie store, so I thought crazy idea, that it perhaps was more easy to go buy the bra there. Ask for help to any of the sale-ladies, like if buying for a gift.
But oh no, how mistaken I was, that was going to be one of the most embarrassing experiences to have when buying girl clothes.
So one day, morning I decided to give it a try, as I was approaching I saw one mannequin with a really nice set of panty and bra in a light blue tone, very pretty that I decided right there, that was the one I would ask.
I enter, good thing the store was empty, only the saleslady, she immediately looked toward the door, and made a expression of "A boy in here, the enemy, defend position" , mm, perhaps not that much, but sure her eyes were saying I was a stranger there, even if her voice was saying "Good morning, how may I help you??"
I asked about the set on the display window, she said the price, and I asked it for a large size, she walked toward one of the hangers, and started moving them, she took a box of what seemed to be the panty, and then she asked, "And what bra size???"
And then my brain froze, I didn't knew what size, all I could think and say was "Large", she said, "Well there is no just large size in bra, you need chest and cup size".
Cup size I knew what cup size were, but certainly I was less than cup A, but I could go with a C cup, and fill it with something, but what about chest size??, I didn't even knew they were measured in 32,34,36. On my mind all I was able to think about sizes were small, medium and large.
Guess all that thinking took long and my expression hinted the sales lady I didn't knew what she was talking about. So she said, "Well bra sizes go like 34B, 36B, 36 C, do you know the bra size of the woman you buying it for??"
And all my mouth was able to say was "MM, I know it's large" Up to this point I might have looked a bit silly, but nothing out of the extraordinary.
She then said "Well why don't you go find out what size, and then return to buy the whole set?", that was it the opportunity to walk away without looking silly, and even return later after doing bit of research about sizes.
But no, in all my nervousness, instead I did something stupid, I stayed there, saying "but there should be one size that is equivalent to large, It can work if I buy that??"
She then gave me an angry look, like saying "you wasting my time here boy", before repeating again everything about the bra sizes.
Finally realizing that to buy the bra, I would need to know the sizes, I asked to buy only the panty and return later. And perhaps that seemed weird to her (and know that I think of it, it does not seem the logical thing to do), that she finally lost her patient and helpful behavior.
She said something about loosing her times, that why I was so eager to buy without knowing size, and perhaps she said more, but that kind of finally put my common sense back on command, that I just walked outside just barely saying thanks.
Of course I never returned, and as a matter of fact, during my stay in that city, I never bought a bra.
Ok, enough of past post for today.
Silly Jessica
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
A new image

Ok, so this weekend, me being victim of the consumerism and capitalist trend of the festivities to come, went to start the buying frenzy for the X'mas season.
WEnt to the nearby city of Villahermosa, bought part of the family gifts, not all so still neeed to do more shopping.
And well, Jessica deserved to bought herself something for X'mas, but you know how little patiente she has, so she couldn't wait to use her present.
What was it, a new wig, kind of like a new image.
Spooky part of buying it, the girl found out it was for me, but in a way it was a good thing.
How come,well I asked to see two wigs, so she brought them down, and said "MM, actually this one looks more natural, and I think would suit better to your head shape"
I went thinking "Oh my, please I want to dissapear", but trying to keep myself together I just said "oh yes, this one looks more natural, I'll take it", She then took it to the pay area, and quickly I was out with my new hair in a bag.
Anyway I continued to do the other shopping, then to go around the city in boy mode for dinner and just hang out at someplace, I was then back at hotel.
And as I already said, being all anxious to try the new wig, I decided to let Jessica be for a little while. This time mainly did photographing, no going out adventure, but it was ok, thats for next weekend.
So, here it is, the new wig, and the usual one. I like the new one, kind of look younger, now I only need to color eyebrows in a lighter color, dark/black eyebrows don't look good with the lighter hair.
Anyway, enough of this egomaniac, narcisistic post.
Bye for now
The spooky Jessica
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