Today I am going to talk about another horror movie, that I really like, its a Spanish horror movie, called "El dia de la bestia" (Day of the beast in English), directed by someone named Alex de la Iglesia.
More than a movie to die of horror, is a movie to die of laughter, its really suer funny.
Ok, but before I continue my post, as usual, if you haven't seen it, well go see it, then maybe come back read my silly comments.

possible spoilers warning
Well the movie is about a priest, that apparently has solved the code, and found out when the Anti-christ is going to be born. A little problem, doesn't know were, except that for some reason he is sure it's going to be in Madrid.
So to find the location, he thinks of this plan, of contating the Devil and ask, and to cheat him to beleive him, he tries to be a bad person.
Its super funny to see his ideas of the bad things he does to be evil, one includes listen heavy-metal, thats when he meets Jose MAria, a record sale owner.
He is even funnier than the priest, all the movie he goes doing all kind of silly-funny stuff, in a rocker style. Really makes you laugh so hard.
Later, they see a psiquic man on tv, and they decide he might be able to help with talking to the devil, and then the things go al wacko, kidnapping, murder attempts, running away fro cops, all kind of silly crazy signals about the devil.
The end, well its crazy too.
For today I say goodbye
Jessica, she who hates movietheaters on wednedays