Goodbye 2008
Another year ends, and in reality that should be "no big thing", life goes on and everything, but I guess somehow humans feel better adding measures to things.
And is like common to do at the end of every period an evaluation of how life has gone by.
So how was year 2008, but for Jessica.
It was an interesting year.
This was a year of many times, as my first participation in the LGTB pride parade (I hope I can repeat it many times)
Also a first on spending more time on my trips as Jessica, not just the time of dancing or the party, but even be a full day as Jessica.
Also my first hair-do as Jessica, in a beauty salon
Even by end of year I spent Xmas as Jessica
It was a year of meeting new people, some of them becoming new friendships. Also a year that allowed me to get closer to some friends from before.
Also this year, I almost said goodbye to wearing a wig (for I did wear it a few times) and learned to feel happy and comfortable with my own long hair, even when most of the time it looks messy, in bad shape, and definitively not feminine enough.
Was a year of going out a lot as Jessica, for sure I danced lots here and there, and also over there. Even got to go to two Halloween parties as Jessica.
A tear that I grow as Jessica (and not only in size due to my two periods of getting fatter for not doing exercise) in feeling more comfortable with being this part of me, of understanding what is that makes me feel that need to sometimes dress and look as a woman.
Also going out that much helped me diminish my fear to go out as Jessica, to talk and such with other people not related to the LGBT world.
It was a good year for this side of my life, and that fortunately did manage to coexist happy with the other side that also had a good year, so 2008 was great.
Now, its just to go and live and do all in 2009, and make that even when everyone says that is going to be a problematic year, it actually becomes the other way around.
For everyone, a big hug, and my best wishes so that this year that begins tomorrow be a great year for you all.