The opportunities to dress girly were really rare, almost all time there was someone at home, and when everyone was out most of the time was for very little time, and what I wanted to repeat was something like that opportunity to dress fully, in my room with certain freedom and calm, not just a rush dressing.
Well, the opportunnity took long to be, but then one weekend my parents ahd planned a trip, and were taking us all, but days before, I receive a note from school saying I had to go to a school activity that Saturday, and it was mandatory, and they couldn't start travel after it finished, so I told them it was ok for me to stay alone in the house the weekend, There was a schoolmate living near that could give me a ride, and after promissed to not go out they decided to give it a try. That night I was dreamy, finally an opportunnity to dress completely, with freedom of time had arrived.
Saturday arrived, I went to the school, and back, wait for my parents call, and as soon I run to my mother and sister rooms, Still I hadn't decide what to wear, but there were two closets full of girl clothes (well not all clothes fit me, or I liked) but I spent around 1 hour taking things out and deciding what should I wear
Finally I made my decision, for saturday I would use a blue tabbed skirt from my sister, A sky clear blue blouse with tiny flowers on the neck, natural pantyhose, black low shoes and a black panty. For that night sleeping I would use one of my moms black silk camisole. And for Sunday I would dress up, a red fancy dress from my mom, with black pantyhose and red high heels shoes, and finnaly I addes a red set of underwear.
I took all clothes to my room, hanged in my closet, then took the ones for saturday and put them in my bed, and went to shower, finishing with a touch of my moms perfume. While starting to put the panties on and felt how they were thight I felt great, then the blouse with that soft and delicate touch,then pantyhose fitting on my legs, and the touch, the feeling of my hands on them as incredible, I must have spent at least 15 minutes passing my hands over my legs. Then the skirt and how it hugged my waist, and the shoes. Finally I was dressed as a girl, I felt great, I spent all the afternoon, watching television, doing homework, playing nintendo, all the time dressed, It was like if I were just any other regular girl, spending time one afternoon at home.
Once night arrived I undressed, and hang everything back to my closet, and put on the bck silk camisole, WOOOW, I had never felt any clothes like that, the feel of the fabric, so exquisit, that it took me a long time to fall sleep. Next day, when I woke up, dressed like that, knowing that I have slept completely dressed as a girl, felt incredible (I don't remember what dreams I had that night, but I like to think where the most femmenine dreams possible) I tooked breakfast like that (being extremlly carefull not to ruin anything)
The it was time for a shower, for a moment was weird, I entered as a girl, momentarily was a boy back, and the a girl once more, wearing red underwear, with a bra. I put then the black pantyhose and not only they felt as great as other, it was interesting how my legs looked in a different color. Then the fancy dress, very elegant, but a little like too old for me. But the best was yet to come, the high heeled shoes(and they weren't too high), Wow just standing there I could feel how my legs were thight by the effort to keep myself standing up, at a start was really difficult to walk on them (I thought at first, it would be like when you walk on your toes when sneaking around, I was completely wrong) and several time I was near to falling down, but finally I managed t get it, and It was incredible, the pressure on my calfs at walking, and how the dress skirt move along at the rythm of me walking, it was extasis.
I spent part of the morning dressed like that, until the time arrived when I had to return everything back were it belong, It was so sad, to take it out of my closet, when I felt that they belonged to me.
Anyway, the memories of that weekend were great, and would stay with me forever.
Kisses Jessica
The foto has nothing to do with the story but I felt like posting one