Friday, April 27, 2007

See you wednesday

See you wednesday

See you wednesday

Well, unless a terrible thing happens, this is going to be a 4 day weekend for me, "Work day" in mexico is celebrated by not going to work, jejeje.

So, I will see you all in wednesday

That if I don't get lost in the Guatemalean jungle

Bye and Kisses

PS, I like this photo of my back, it look like if there were a minimal hint of a minimal waistline there.
Also, my friend Andrea Lizeth made those image composition, looks like some sci-fi futuristic corridor, me likes it.




A picture of a nice butterfly I saw at the Chiapas Jungle.
Nice insects.

And they transform from the cute worms (that some people see as ugly), to such beautifull creatures.

If only one can do like them


Estelas Yaxchilan

Yaxchilan Estelas

Estelas Yaxchilan

One of the architectural beauties in some Mayan sites, are the Estelas (I don't know if there is a word in english).

Used to mark a date or event, or to honor a ruler, king, warrior.

The Amazing thing about them is the great level of details they have, the esthetical balance, all the artistic feeling they convey.

And sometime, some of them are huge, big.

Definitively the work of amazing mayan artists from the past.

And here are two of the Estelas, that can be seen in Yaxchilan.


Thursday, April 26, 2007


Bee Flower

I took, this photo of a bee, I liked the result.

Bees are such nice little insect, allways buzy, flying around from flower to flower. Pollinating, creating new life.

And they make honey, Honey is such a sweet thing to eat.

And as a cultural note, the state I now live, is famous for its great honey, which indeed it is.

Jessica, the bee girl



Sometimes, it feels, like if there was something, just waiting to happen. But it nevers arrives


I like the more pale look of the pic in the left, yet it seems like the pic in the right, brings back the subject of the portrait a bit more to the front, even with the orangish skin.

Yaxchilan Pyramids

Yaxchilan Piramids

Here are a couple of pyramid tops from the Yaxchilan Archeological Site.

It's a nice archeological site, bit of climbing.
According to what it said, the rulers of Yaxchilan, also ruled over Bonampak.

Nice decorations on the Pyramids tops.

Must have been a really nice place, and with lots of riches due to a very fertile land, and being next to the Usumacinta River.


Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Monkeys from the Jungle


One of the great things of visiting this places in the middle of the jungle, is being able to see lots of wild life
From huge trees, to beautiful flower, to lots of birds, funny insects.
But the best so far, are the monkeys.

They are soooo cute.

Monkey Jessica

Rio Usumacinta

Rio Usumacinta

Usumacinta River

After Bonampak, it was time to go to Yaxchilan. To go there one arrives to a place called Frontera-Corozal
Then, its time to go into the river. One has two option.
To go into one of the little boats for a 40 minute ride in the river, to Yaxchilan
Or to go swimming.
It is just a little dangerous, with the few cocodriles in the river, and the ocassional water twirl. or is it (whirlwater)

Its a nice river.

River rider Jessica

Cherry Legs

Cherry Legs

This is a fun leg clothing


Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Flor Extraña

Flor Extraña

Red Flower

This is a red flower I found in the Chiapas Jungle, not sure what it is named.

Its interesting and a bit strange.



Bonampak Paints

Bonampak Paints - Pintura Bonampak

Here is a couple of pics of the famous paints in Bonampak.

Located in a special room in the main piramid there, they are located in three smaller rooms.
They represent a religious ceremony, a war ritual sacrifice, and the marking of a noble child.

They are very impressive
Lots of colors, and pretty details.
Good to see they have been preserved so far.

Bye for today

Leg Turned

Leg Turned

Leg Turned

I just like how my leg appeared in this photo


Monday, April 23, 2007




So this weekend, it was time to go visit a few more archeological places.

Fist stop, Bonampak, in the state of Chiapas.
It's a small archeological site, only a couple of buildings
Still the main building is very impressive. Bit of climbing.
And as with all these places, being in the middle of the jungle, one can see lots of greens , and sometimes animals.

There is also the paintings.

Kisses for today

Hidden in a corner

Escondida tras los rincones

Escondida por los rincones

Esperemos que Cri-Cri no se enoje por tomar prestada esta estrofa de su cancion

Escondida por los rincones,
temerosa de que alguien la vea,
platicaba con los ratones
la pobre muñeca fea.
Un bracito ya se le rompió,
su carita está llena de hollín
y al sentirse olvidada lloró
lagrimitas de aserrín.


Hidden in a corner

Lets hope Cri-Cri doesn't get angry I borrowed this parragraph from his song.

Hidden on the corners
scared that someone might look her
speaking only with the mice
the poor ugly doll.
One of her arms is broken now
Her face is dirty with soot
and finding herself forgotten she cries
tears of sawdust


Friday, April 20, 2007

I need green shoes

I need green shoes

Definitively, the shoes in the pic, completely wrong.
If there were a hall of shame of bad shoe use, I'll be there with this pic.

Me needs to go buy a pair of green shoes.


M & M Jessica

M and M Jessica

My friend Iliana ( had a M&M version of her, and asking her to allow me do one, here I present you

M&M Jessica on a forest.

Chocolate Kisses
by purple Jessica



This is the seawalk of the island, actually is facing the water stream, that connect the Gulf of Mexico Sea, to the inside lagoon. Nice place to walk, but only when the sun is down.


Thursday, April 19, 2007

I learn something today

I learn something today

I learn that it is very important to verify, that the marker one is about to use in the white-board, is not a permanent one.


Spanish girl, says bye.

More boats

Mas Barquitos

More little boats

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Mi friend Vania

Mi amiga Vania

Mi friend Vania

Hi, well today I want to introduce you to my friend Vania.
One day by chance a added her to my messenger list, and started talking.
And we just kept talking, and talking, and talking.
She is really nice to talk to, plus she has a wonderfull collection of high heels.
And there is no words to express how pretty she looks, words cant match what the photos show.
An amazing thing is the cleaveage she shows, wow.

Also on my last visit to DF, I had the pleasure to meet her in person, too bad we couldn't get a pic of the two of us girls together, maybe in the future.

Well, my friend, gave permit to post her photos, and agreed to write a little intro about her, so here I post it.
Hopefully that will encourage her to start her own blog, jejejej. I know she can write quite good, from other writtings she had sent me before.

Also, any request for contact, can be made here, via a comment.

A big hug and kiss to my friend Vania

Well, finally here is her writting (translated by me, original is in spanish)

Si me preguntas quién soy, la respuesta es sencilla: Quién nunca me había atrevido a ser.
Gracias a Jessica por invitarme a su espacio y gracias a quien lo lea, porque en realidad soy tan normal como cualquier persona... o quizá ese sea mi sueño, ser tan normal que pueda caminar libremente por las calles, sin que nadie voltee a verme extrañado, sin sentir el temor que alguien pueda faltarme al respeto, aunque a fin de cuentas, eso es algo que desafortunadamente en nuestra sociedad va implícito por estúpidos complejos machistas.
Podría decir mucho sobre mí, pero no intento abrumar, sólo diré que soy una niña que vive apenas su segundo año de vida en plenitud, luego de 35 de auto represión y que, afortunadamente, maduró a pasos agigantados, aunque falta mucho para alcanzar la mayoría de edad.

Vania de Santiago

If you ask me who I am, the answer is simple, Who I didn't have the courage to be before.
Thanks to Jessica for the invite to write, and thanks to whoever reads it, since I am as normal as anyone else. or at least that’s my dream, be as normal that I can walk free in the streets, no-one turning around to see me with a strange look, without fearing someone might say something nasty. unfortunately, in our society that happens a lot, due to the macho-style complex that exist.
I could say a thousand thing about me, but I'll try to not overwhelm you, I'll just say, I am a girl in her second year of life, after 35 years of repressing myself, and fortunately I been growing in big steps, till there is still a lot to grow as a woman.

Vania de Santiago

Of Focus Play

Of Focus Play

So, one interesting thing to play with the new toy is the manual focus
Yes its a lot easier to let the electronic thingies do their magic.
Yet lots of times, they get confused when lots of things and planes exist.

So I went on to play a little bit with the focus.
In the pic, the results can be seen, between focusing on the front, the middle area and the back plane.
Just for reference, in this case, the automatic focus, was very similar to the middle one.

Oh I remember, I just posted a video of me dancing (more like trying to) Flamenco, with the new dress.
Don't laugh too hard, I know, I don´t know how to dance.

here is the link


Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Sun Down

I just wanted to share this sunset with all my friends



Cartel Girl????

Cartel Girl????

My friend Andrea Lizeth made this image composition for me.
Is it allowed for me to be part of the bull-fighting cartel????

On a side note, I do not lke bull-fighting, me thinks it's cruel.


Soñando espera

Soñando espera

Oculta entre las telas
espera el momento
en que dulces colores
calmen su tormento

Lápices y cuentas
forman sus fantasías
texturas delicadas
que le traen alegrías

Perfume de vainilla
tronar de los tacones
su mente desvaría
con tantas emociones

Pantalón por falda
blusa contra camisa
pulseras y aretes
dibujan su sonrisa

Escapa de sus labios
un suspiro errante
contando los minutos
para el mágico instante

y es así, que sueña.


Now in english, yet with translation bits of the feeling went missing.

Hidden between fabrics
waiting for the moment
that beautiful colors
terminate her torment

eye-pencils and beads
makers of her fantasy
delicates textures
that brings her ecstasy

Vanilla perfumes
sound of high heels
her mind wanders off
with so many thrills

Trousers for a skirt
t-shirt for a dress
necklaces and earrings
draw smiles in her face

Escapes from her lips
a wishing suspire
counting for the minutes
the magic she desires

And as such she dreams.


Monday, April 16, 2007

Dolphins and boats.

Delfines y barquitos

Went to the seawalk, to take photos of the boats and the sunset.
While I was taking pics, I noticed little black thingies appearing here and there.
Put a little more attention, and wow

The Dolphins are back.

Could only see the fins, but still it was great.

Time to go more often there, with luck maybe I can see one of them jump out like last year, and with more luck even got a pic.

Jessica, who loves the sea

Jessica dibujo by VEKUH

Jessica Dibujo, by VEKUH

A messenger friend of mine, did this drawing, of me.

Its a really nice drawing, like the technique he used.

But the girl in the drawing is using very little clothing.



Sunday, April 15, 2007



Except for the fun of this photo session
this been a really boring weekend.
And waking up late today, couldn't go to the beach
Hopefully next weekend I can travel


Saturday, April 14, 2007

Of Raw Processing

Of Raw Processing

Not only does one has to learn how to operate the camera.
It also uses a RAW image format.
So its no longer a just copy and paste, of the JPEG files.
Yes, the software I use to view images can handle RAW files, and convert them to JPEG.
But the camera brought this software to process RAW files. so I decided to give it a little test.

One can change the white balance.
The brightness
Apply a processing script (it has 4 portrait, landscape,Nautral, and Monocrome)
Color levels.

Guess I will have to learn what all those things means.

The original file as taken from the camera, is the top left, with this parameters.

Exposure time 1/13 sec
Exposure Bias 1.33
F Number 4
Iso speed 800
White Balance 5600K
Focal length 28 mm
No flash


Jessica y Ole

Jessica y Ole

Here with a costume I liked.
I liked the style.

Hope my spanish friends don't get angry.

But here is Jessica Spanish style


Friday, April 13, 2007

Oranges and Appless????

Oranges and Apples

Oranges and Appless????

I saw this the other day in a comment

"Thats like comparing Oranges to Appless"

Me wonders, why would someone want to do that????????

Thursday, April 12, 2007

The new bear


The new bear

And here is a new bear toy I have.
It's cute and with lots of colors.

Camera Testing

Camera Testing

So to start learning what the diferent numbers in the camera means. I went out to do some comparison photos.
It was during night thought, I know I should have done beter during daylight, that will wait till weekend.
But it was interesting to see the effects of light and dark.
The FNumber is the Apperture or so I think.
I shooted all of the pics, from the same place. Except for the last 3 ones.


Exposure 1/4 sec
Exposure Bias 1.33 EV
F number 4.5
ISO 1600
Its a bright one, but some colors look a bit overexposed.

Exposure 1/5 sec
Exposure Bias 1 EV
F number 4
ISO 800
A bit dark, but things can be seen right. I liked it.

Exposure 1/6 sec
Exposure Bias 1 EV
F number 4
ISO 400
Its dark.


Exposure 1/3 sec
Exposure Bias 1 EV
F number 5.6
ISO 1600
Good light, Objects in motion a bit blurry but not much.

Exposure 1/5 sec
Exposure Bias 2 EV
F number 4
ISO 1600
Bit more Light, movig objects bit blurry.

Exposure 1/1 sec
Exposure Bias 2 EV
F number 8
ISO 1600
More light, but in this one blurryness is a lot.


Exposure 1/10 sec
Exposure Bias 0 EV
F number 4
ISO 800
Quite dark, but colors seem more natural in this one.

Exposure 1/1 sec
Exposure Bias 0 EV
F number 4
ISO 800
This one looks way too fake, overlighted, overblurry, colors bad.

Exposure 1/3 sec
Exposure Bias 0 EV
F number 8
ISO 800
Natural colors too, bit dark, less glow from lamps than the first one of the row.


Exposure 1/8 sec
Exposure Bias 0 EV
F number 20
ISO 1600
Way too dark, can only see lamp lights.

Exposure 1/2 sec
Exposure Bias 0 EV
F number 20
ISO 1600
Dark one too, but The effect of lamps is nice, like little stars, maybe do a crop from this one.

Exposure 1.3 sec
Exposure Bias 1.67 EV
F number 5.6
ISO 400
That one seems to have good lighting, but probably car there contributed, since other car is way to blurry, more than in any other pic.


Thats to see the zoom capabilities of the lens
It goes from 18 to 55 mm.

Focal Length 18 mm

Focal Length 35 mm

Focal Length 55 mm

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Jessica con Alas

Alas by Andrea

Demon or Angel????
THats what I wonder.

This is a nice composition, my dear friend Andrea Lizeth made from one of my pics.

I like it
Thanks , hugs and kisses to her.

Deilish Jessica




Another bit of the traditions of town.

On Saturday there is this celebration called "La quema de Judas" (I think the translation to english is Burning Judas)
People create devils, or mockery figures of people that are considered evil.

Some reallly nice figures, nice on the handicraft technique, can be seen like in the pics.

And once it is night, they start burning them, lots of fireworks and explosions.

Really fun to see.

Devilish Jessica

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

New Toy


New Toy

I have a new toy to play with.
It took me like two months to understand and know my old camera.
I can only imagine the lot of time it will take me to understand this new one.
That is going to be fun.

Time for lots of pictures.


PS. I posted a little video from my latest shoes over here



I continue with the religious festivities that took place during the last week.
Part of it is the altars to virgin Mary.
It is related to the mourning, for her sons death.
The purple color is because of that and the importance of the date.

I wanted to share pics of those 4 altars.


Monday, April 09, 2007

Detail El Carmen Church

Detalle Carmen

This is a detail of the church of El Carmen.
Very interesting architecture style.
Lots of details, los of decorations, lots of shapes.

Me likes

Downtown SLP

DownTown SLP

I was back at my hometown, visiting my family.
Nice to be way from the island, from the hot weather, from the job for a few little days.
Terrible to fly by planes, airlines that are always late.
Religious weekend, so lots of places with quite some people. But the religious festivities are fun.

Some snaps from Downtown in San Luis Potosi

Top Left, is the Chatedral, it was restored a few time ago. Really nice building
Top Right, a look at the ceiling from inside, lots of details and decorations.
Down Left, a detail from inside the church of El Carmen. Lots of figures, one can spend hours just looking into ever little detail in there.
Down Middle, the church of "El Carmen", a really nice church.
Down Right, a night shot of one tower of the temple of san Francisco.

I like walking downtown when its not full of people, lots of really beautifull buildings.


Wednesday, April 04, 2007

My friend Cinthya and the dance night out on Saturday

My friend Cinthya and the dance night out on Saturday

My friend Cinthya and the dance night out on Saturday

AS I said, I was back at my hotel room, thinking, ok, no dancing tonight. I waited a bit, and the started removing the make-up.
While I was at it, the phone ringed, It was my friend Cynthia, who I have met for real friday night.
She asked "Did you went to the disco then???", I said "Nope"
She said "But, didn't you wanted to go", to which I answer "Yes, but not alone"
She went on "Would you want to go with me, even if I go as boy??"
And guess what Jessica said.

So after reapplying its of my makeup- this time I went a bit more eye-sadow, and a darker lipstick.
Change the skirt to the denim mini, and the top for another one, I was ready to go out.
That night I went to a different one, a dance-place called Hysteria. VEry nice and really big place.
Lots of electro-dance, trance music, me likes dancing that.
So dance all night, till 4 am, or 5 am, since the summer saving times in mexico change was that night.

Another great night dancing.

And I guess the hotel had some kind of thing to make me have funny moments on my returns.
This time, no problem with the key retreival. But I did shared the elevator with two girls.
I noticed the looks they gave me, I guess they were curious, plus make-up wasn't at best shape after a long night of dancing.

A big thank you hug and kiss to my friend cinthya for the dance night on Saturday.

And so it ended my weekend as Jessica.
Sunday got to visit relatives, and fly back to the island.


I'll be traveling to visit my parents since tomorrow, The holly week and things. So I'll be back in monday.
Wish me luck with a crazy thing I am planning to do, if I got the courage to do it, that is.

The restaurant adventure

The restaurant adventure

The restaurant adventure

I'll elaborate a bit more on the restauran adventure, since it was a very nice one.

I open the door to the restaurant, a bit scared, that they refuse me to go in.
The man at the entrance, just says "Good afternoon, smoking or no smoking"
My brain inmediately notices, he didn't said "miss".
I tried to say with a low voice "Non smoking, preferably", the voice, the problem of the voice.
But then he said "over here miss", pointing to a side of tables, allowing me to pass first. My mind got confussed.
So I sit down, the waitress came to leave the menu, and I decided for a nice piece of berry pie, and a beverage called squash (its mineral water, with pineapple and strawberry)
Some people looked at me, some others don't. People came in and out. I just enjoyed my pie and my beverage
Eating slowly, enjoying, reading bits of the book I carried.

At some point 2 girls came in, Guess one of them wanted me to go angry, since she said to the other, "Lets sit in this table here, so we can criticize transvest"
I just heard she said "Mmm, if going through boob surgery, why didn't she put big ones??", then the other, just said "I don't want to talk about that" and then went to talk on something else.

Then it was time to pay, so I asked the waitress if she could do me afavor, and took me a picture.
She says "sure, just wait me a little", me thinking she will go check her other tables and then back.
But no, she went to another table, to ask the man sitting there, to come over, and took the photo. Embarrassing moment.
He then asks "How do you want me to photograph you???"
And the waitres says, before I can say anything "IN a way that she looks as pretty as she is"
And I felt, like WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW, like in heaven.
Thats the photo.

At the exit, after paying, they asked me to write my opinion, with my name, of course I put Jessica.

Thats my dinning adventure


Saturday Afternoon out.

Saturday Afternoon out.

Ok, so I told you about friday night.
Then it was saturday. Hotel didn't said anything about my multiple appeareances.
Morning I went out to do some errands, as boy, Oh, I bought a new camera, I will show some time in the future.
Around 5pm, I was back at hotel, with lots of bags. Quick shower, check phone for messages, none :(
MMMMM, but I really wanted to go out girl mode, what to do, go alone or not??????

Like if that ever stopped me from doing silly things. And so to select a more conservative outfit, to do a lighter make-up (and that still scares me a bit) Doesn't really show in the photo.
Again to pass through hotel reception to leave key, they just said "Enjoy your afternoon" and out I went, to walk, to enjoy the cool weather.
So what I did???? I just walked around Zona Rosa in Mexico City. Entered a couple of little stores, Go into the Music store to browse CD's, go into a little mall that its there.
After a bit, got a little tired of that much walking, and decided to go into a restaurant, order a piece of pie and a beverage, and sit down to enjoy and rest.

One of the girls that was possibly going to the dance-place in saturday, told me about a place were other girls met, so they go together.
And after leaving the restaurant, I went out, and called for a taxi. Spooky thing, to go into a taxi alone, in a city where it's dangerous to use a taxi.
There I met two nice persons, one being one of the girls that sometimes go, but she wasn't that day. WE talked a bit, waiting to see if any of my friends or any other girl arrived, but no luck.
Later a man arrived, who knew the other 2 people, and sit down to talk a bit more. It was then time for they to go.

SO they asked, where would I go now, I just said, back to my hotel. The man offered to give me a drive. The girl said she was a nice person, and I could trust to drive with him.
He drive me to my hotel, parked, and then we talked for a little while. Had to say good-bye in a hurried and probably rude way, it was becoming late, and I got scared that he might have asked "Go to the dance place with me" and I would probably answer "yes"
There I was back at my room, a nice out afternoon, but apparently, no dance that night.


Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Friday dance night.

Friday dance night.

Friday dance night.

And so there I went with 2 girls, a very special thanks to them for allowing me to go with them.
To a dance place in Mexico City called Espartaco, interesting place.
Big place, two levels, a central area for dancing and little shows they make there. And the shows are presented often. during our stay I remember 4.
Be around, talk, and dance.

When I went dancing with one of the girls, Regina, we were dancing there all happy.
Then there was this girl (a genetic woman) , who went into the dance area, alone to dance. Songs passed, and with every song she was coming closer to us.
And so at some point she was there, next to us, and she started smiling to us, and dancing with us. At some point my new friend left me dancing with the girl.
I kept dancing with her ( silly me, I forgot her name), she told me how I look pretty and like her niece, and how her niece looked like some artist. I complimented her as well.
It was fun to dance with her, she was a really nice girl, we danced till the music stopped for the next show. She then went to sit with her friends, and I went to look for mines.

the time ot leave had arrived, and as we walked outside, oh mooshy, the sun was already coming out We were there till almost 6 am. Big night.
They give me a ride to my hotel. Had to go back as girl, interesting thing happened there.
So I ring the doorbell, the man at reception during night opens, I enter, he asks "Which room , miss"
I say "room 201", he checks for the keys, and the name on the tag. He gaves weird look, then asks "the name of registration???",
So I give him my boy name, he says "ok, and you are????", and I had to said "I'm him", he is like "really?? ok, here is your key".
I said thanks, and walk to the elevator, spooky thing,

Who at that moment didn't know if hotel was to allow me to stay for another day.

A special thanks to Regina, for the talk we had. Let me saw lots of things in a new perspective.

20 to 14

20 to 14

20 to 14

As I was going toward the hotel I have stayed before on my travels to Mexico City, my mind was racing.
What would I manage to do the weekend??? Thousands of thoughts and ideas around that.
I then got myself a room for the weekend, a quick shower, to take the litttle backpack qith the necessary stuff for just that night, and straigth to blush.
Over there the ritual of all times, change, wait, get make-up done, see the girl in the mirror.
Great thing was being able to meet in person a few of the friends a have been talking to over the messenger thingie. Realize that each other existed for real. Little chats here and there, just enjoying.
Then I heard someone "We are going to this dance place", and Jessica, being a girl who preffers to stay inside, yeah right, asked "Can I go with you????"
And so, I was there less than 2 hours, and at the point ready to go away, dancing night, coool


The title refers to the fact that I spent 20 hours as girl this weekend, and only 14 photos were taken, and half of them are blurry or unfocused.